Category: Life Documentary

Back From A World Tour Of Sorts

Got this in my email sometime ago which made me smile so much to no end.
I’m not sure if I should feel flattered that The West End Dance Academy in Perth went through all that trouble to do that for me, or embarrassed because I know myself the stuff I write aren’t always appropriate for err… fragile minds.
Regardless, I was tickled by their efforts. Stuff like that never fails to lift my spirits no matter how stressed out I am.
I am back in the office and back home in Kuching now.
The past four weeks have been absolutely insane for me in terms of travelling. I was on a world tour of sorts, stopping by the UK, Ireland, Sandakan and Japan within a short span of time.
Each of those destinations has been interesting, unique and enriching in its own way. Along my journey, I met so many amazingly warm and helpful people and learnt so much.
I’ll write about my experience once I find time in my schedule to gather my thoughts. For now, I’m probably gonna put off flying for a while (unless I win the MAS Great Escapade contest lah) and focus on work.
In the meantime,
please be careful of your head.

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ADV: The iPhone Has Landed

It is here.
The Apple iPhone has finally landed in Malaysia. None of those grey market parallel imported bullshit that comes with no warranty. This is the real deal.
In the wise words of Apple mascot CEO Steve Jobs, “It’s a phone! It’s an iPod! It’s an internet communicator device!”
All hail the king of phones.
Don’t they know how long we’ve been waiting for this in Malaysia? I must have waited for like 358 years after 900 countries have all released it. Okay, maybe not 358 years, but certainly it felt that long. It’s ridiculous.
When Steve Jobs made the announcement that the second generation iPhone will be available in 90 countries outside of the US, my friend Moorey, who runs an Apple shop in Kuching, was one of those waiting with bated breath.
Then we found out that the iPhone was gonna be released in countries like South Africa, Kenya and Nicaragua… but not in Malaysia. How freaking ridiculous is that? It’s like every other countries are in the FUTURE and we are still stuck in the past? Can you imagine like a Zulu warrior in Kenya, holding a spear, trying to hunt down an African tiger while talking on his iPhone?
So it’s a year late but Maxis just announced their partnership with Apple to launch tthe iPhone 3G in Malaysia this Friday.
Anyone who have used the iPhone will tell you it is a freaking awesome phone. They just can’t stop showing off their phone any opportunities that they got. I’ve used a borrowed first generation iPhone before and was amazed by how much Apple engineers managed to stuff into that little thing. It’s like me on the buffet table during Chinese New Year. Just stuff and stuff everything inside me until I can’t take it anymore.
With confirmed reports that Apple will release version 3.0 of their iPhone software in a few days time, who knows what other features are on the cards? But like most Malaysians, the thing that concerned me the most was the price.
Maxis offers RM2,160 upfront for the iPhone plus a 12-month RM155 contract which includes warranty, generous free talk time and data usage.
Yes I know it’s dear, but not as prohibitive as many thought it would be. My current phone bills hovers around RM200 a month, so committing to RM150 a month is still ok lah. Immediately, I plonked down my order.
20090312-10.jpg I spent almost RM 3K on my Nokia N95 2 years ago, so I’m quite happy with RM 2K for a touch screen phone from the future.
But of course, there are gonna be some people reading this who’s gonna think “Wah! Have to take off my pants around Chow Kit only then can afford!” If you are one of those people, don’t worry.
Apple have also released a brand new product for the budget-conscious ones like you.
It’s called… the Apple tPhone.
Works just as good I heard.

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Blue To Red

Over the long weekend, I flew into…

Manchester, England,
On the invitation of our local snack food company called…

Mister Potato
To join their 30 winners who had so luckily won the grand prize in Mister Potato’s contest a few months ago called…

Mister Potato F.C.
These 30 winners from across Malaysia collected and mailed the most number of Mister Potato seals and wrappers over the promo period from May to November 2008, and was rewarded for it. We are also gonna collect 5 authentic autographed jerseys by Cristiano Ronaldo and Fernando Torres for the top 5 winners.
Then this coming Satuday, we will all be escorted to the stadium for a tour and to watch a live Barclay’s Premier League match between one of football’s legendary teams…

Manchester United
Going head to head against another one of footballing’s greats…

Liverpool F.C.
Taking place in arguably England’s most famous football stadium of all time…

The “Theatre of Dreams”, The Old Trafford.
It doesn’t get any bigger than that. This is such a rare opportunity and amazing experience of a lifetime that I dare say some men would even sell their grandmothers at the drop of a hat.
But there is only one tiny bit of problem.
I’m actually more of a fan of…

Chelsea F.C.
Not a hardcore fan, but a fan nonetheless.
But what to do ah? Chelsea was cool for a while, but then they lost almost every single match against the big teams. My friend Eric has been mocking me and urging me to turn red ever since the day Chelsea lost to Manchester United in the most dramatic fashion, 0-3.
Maybe after this Saturday I’ll switch allegiance and don the Red Devil jersey.

Chelsea has been doing so crap, their coach Scolari also lari already.

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A Surprise Valentine’s Day Gift

I got back from Phuket today surprised to find this sitting on my desk.

Whoa, a Valentine’s Day present! Who could it possibly be from? It cannot be from girls because I haven’t been going out. It can’t be from Soni either because… well, who am I kidding? Soni is not real.

I opened the box to reveal the mystery.

Turns out it’s a present from the Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society – the same charity outfit we helped raise funds for by going bald.

Of all things that they could possibly give, they gave me…

… a bottle of shampoo.

Yalah yalah laugh lah. Hahaha.

Very funny, guys.

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ADV: How To Save Money This Valentine’s

The last Valentine’s Day present I bought was also the most expensive.


Yet, I didn’t end up giving the present to her.

I bought the present three months ago. Five days later, we broke up.

So now I am left with an extra return flight ticket to Phuket and nobody to go with this 14th February.

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The worst thing is, because the trip is over the Valentine’s Day weekend, it’s almost impossible to find anyone else to go on this trip with me.

I can’t bring my female friends along because it’d give them the wrong idea, and I can’t bring guy friends along either because it’d seem like I’m gay!


The moral of the story to guys is: don’t spend too much money buying unnecessarily extravagant gifts on your girlfriends. You never gonna know when you’re gonna end the relationship.

Instead, a better Valentine’s Day present would be something simpler and more meaningful.

Like a box of Toblerone.


Because at least if you do break up with her afterwards, you can still eat the chocolates yourself.

Even better, don’t give them the box of Toblerone. Keep the chocolates for yourself.

After all, many girls these days have open declared that they don’t mind not receiving extravagant gifts. According to them, “it’s the thought that counts.”

If that’s the case, then send her a “virtual gift” from instead. 

Sending a “virtual gift” is not gonna cost you a single cent and besides, “it’s the thought that counts.”

So this is from me.

She can’t say you’re insincere because it is something you build yourself.

She can’t say you’re kiam siap either because if your virtual gift pack is selected as the winner, then Toblerone will physically put together the gift pack and send the real deal to you. So you can give it to her or pass it on any of your friends and families you choose to send the gift to.

As for me, I have no girlfriend to give a present to this Valentine’s. So I guess the only person who will be getting a gift from me…

… is my 2-month-old nephew Ethan.


There you go Ethan.

Happy Valentine’s Day.


Oh wait, you don’t have teeth yet.

Nevermind. Uncle Kenny will eat all the Toblerone for you then.

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Bumped into my ex at Starbucks last night.


It was weird, really weird, seeing her with her new guy.

Not that I didn’t expect her to move on of course. I mean, eventually we all move on. But what I didn’t expect is that she managed to do so so quickly. Like, less than two months after we broke up.

I guess that goes to show what an easily forgettable person I am. 😉


The surprising thing is that I wasn’t as bitter as I thought I might be. At least I didn’t storm out of Starbucks in tears crying to my mommy.

We I had our good times and I am content to let those two years we spent together be nothing but memories. Since there is a better man who can take care her the way I couldn’t, I guess I should feel happy.


There’s another reason why I am not feeling bitter – I too, have begun seeing someone new as of late.

I am still in the process of getting to know her. She is Japanese, so I know we have our differences. But the good thing is that we are seeing each other a lot. In fact, over the Chinese New Year break, we spent almost every single day and night in the company of each other.

Her name is Soni.





Full name Soni Playstation Three.







Oh yes.

There is nothing I desire more than coming home every night and lay together with her on the couch, hands on her shoulders, feeling her shake and quiver as I touch all the right buttons.

I love you my Soni.

The best thing about not having a girlfriend, is that there’s now plenty of time for video games. 😀

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Starting The Year On A Good Note

It’s the new year, and I want to start it off on a good note.


I have always recognised that bloggers have a lot of potential to do good for charity. In my capacity, I’m always happy to lend publicity to several charitable causes on my blog, so long as they are legitimate and transparent.

But late last year, I was approached by folks from the Sarawak Children Cancer Society.


The society related strongly to me for two reasons.

One, I know they have been very active in providing support and care for childhood cancer sufferers, and cancer support is one of those things I keep very close to my heart.

Having gone through the pain of losing my father to kidney cancer,  I know what a dreadful experience it is, and I would never ever wish that upon even the worst of my enemies.


Secondly, the society is based in Sarawak.

It is a fact that Sarawak-based charities don’t receive as much attention as their Peninsular-based counterparts. Personally, I find that very unfortunate considering Sarawak has a very large rural population, many of whom still live in poverty. They are the ones who needed help the most, and yet there aren’t enough of us who reach out to them.

Due to lack of medical facilities in the rural areas, many parents of childhood cancer sufferers frequently travel long-distances, hours at a time, just bring their sick children to Kuching to seek treatment.

As a voluntary organisation, Sarawak Children Cancer Society has always provided care and support for the poor and needy in the State.

One of the best things they come up with among many fantastic ones, is the Children Cancer Centre located minutes away from the Sarawak General Hospital. Families of outstation patients are offered to temporarily stay in the Centre while their children undergo treatment at the hospital.

Food, amenities, counselling, and sometimes financial support are all provided by volunteers and their three full-time social workers. And this is just one of the many things the SCCS do to help lighten the emotional and financial burden faced by these families.

Childhood cancer is in fact a very curable form of cancer. Unfortunately, many sufferers in Sarawak needlessly die every year either due to lack of funds or access to hospital.

That is why I am very happy to give my support to the SCCS.

Of course, the running of the Children Cancer Centre is not free. Worse still, with the increasing number of outstation patients utilising the facility, their resources have been stretched thinner a plate of roti tisu.

Someone has to pay the bills. Most of the time, this is done through public donation and the many fund-raising activities that they organise.

However, when I met with the SCCS a few weeks ago, the support they asked from me for this time round goes beyond just monetary donation and publicity on


They want me to shave my head bald for charity.

“What! Wait, wait, wait. I cannot confirm yet. Do I really have to do this?” I groaned.

“Well, it’s to create the awareness,” said Rodney Wong, the SCCS publicity chief when he pitched the idea to me. “We can raise funds doing food fairs and stuff but few people would pay attention. Once you say ‘Kenny Sia is willing to shave his head bald for charity’, immediately everyone takes notice.”


I say it’s a bald bold move.

I never like saying no to people. In this case, I find it very difficult to give up my hair eventhough it is for a good cause. Everybody is vain to different extent, including me. I go through great lengths to preserve my hair. I’m already not very good-looking, but if I go bald I’d become uglier.

I certainly don’t want nother adjective people can use insult me!


“Rodney, I spent RM150 a month on Propecia just to keep my hair from dropping. And now you want me to lose all my hair?”

“You can think about it,” replied Rodney. “Our target is to raise RM200K in total. But if you’re in, I think you can raise RM50,000 no problem.”

RM50,000 to give the hope of survival to children suffering from cancer, in return for all of my hair.

Suddenly this does not seem like such a difficult decision to make anymore.

“Alright Rodney. Let’s see how generous readers are then,” I said with a painful smile. “If I can raise RM50,000 by 12th February, I will shave my head bald.”

“Let’s do it!”


And so the race is on.

The deadline is Thursay,12th February. The target is RM50,000. Everyone from all parts of the world can donate, and all major forms of payment are accepted.

Once we hit the target, I guess I’ll be sporting a new hair cut (or lack there of) just in time for Valentine’s Day. Guess I will be date-less for the next 12 months, at least.


It’s too late for me to back out now. I’ve already made my promise to the SCCS.

Now it is all up to you, readers of to decide whether I can keep my hair.

KS (102)


Or not.


To pledge your donation, CLICK HERE. 🙂

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Chinese New Year Windfall

Looks like the Year of the Cow has started off pretty good for me.


Visited five houses today, gambled in two of them and raked in RM320 profit. That’s not bad, considering I had been losing hundreds continuously in my previous attempts at playing blackjack during Chinese New Year.

Maybe I should be thanking the Cow God (the Holy Cow?) for smiling so bright upon me. But being a superstitious Chinese, I gotta say thank you to something else instead.


So thank you, my new good luck red underwear!

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Update: has finished renovations.
Welcome to the new look!
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…for renovations. 😉
It should be back up later today.
Meanwhile, please entertain yourself with the wacky bunch of people on Chatbox.
