Category: Life Documentary


I couldn’t verify the source myself, but thanks to reader kk for sending this in.

“My buddy in Shanghai recently sent me this poster he found at a posh Mexican restaurant/bar which I thought is really hilarious and a classic example of bad translation done by mainland cina. And I thought if the prostitutes can read the england, they won’t be prostituting liao leh as China is so in need of england speaking ppl. Anyway, hope you have a good laugh.
kk “

Zapata's Mexican Cantina

Excuse me, do you think I’m a whore?


African drums – vibrators without batteries.

Man. I just got back from the Rainforest Music Festival and I am so totally spent. I shall leave the update till tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s my lame joke attempt for the day.
Do you like this building name?

Well. If you don’t like it, Fook Off.

Getting Back Into The Routine


I’m back.

956 photos.
535 megabytes.
5 days.
4 nights.
3 bags.
2 countries.
1 man stupid enough to do it all.

… And he’s the proud owner of this T-shirt.

I finally arrived home safely after what can only be described as my most memorable trip to Singapore and KL. To say I’m dog tired is an understatement. All I need right now is my bed.

Blogging? Not now man, not now.

For photos, words, photos, gossips, videos, scandals, and photos, you might have to wait till tomorrow night. Bear with me yea?

I’ll Be Gone

<br /> <?php include(""); ?><br /> I&#8217;ll be flying off to KL in a few moment&#8217;s time. To meet the bloggers.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="mtb" src="" width="500" height="375" /><br /> I&#8217;m gonna boast here, but in case any readers suffer from withdrawal symptoms over the next 5 days without updates, here are some of the things you can do in the meantime.<br /> <strong style="font-size:large;">1. Give you &#8216;Refresh&#8217; button a rest.</strong><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050623-2.jpg" src="" width="400" height="300" /><br /> Its been working overtime for far too long now.<br /> <br /> <strong style="font-size:large;">2. Singaporean Men On Dating Singaporean Women Vs Non-Singaporean Women (Round 52421).</strong><br /> Join the continuing discussion <a href="">here</a>!<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050623-3.gif" src="" width="519" height="389" /></p> <p clas="caption">He sure knows how to use</p> <p>I must say I find it very amusing reading the little assumptions some of the people made of me.</p> <blockquote><p> <strong>Streetglow:</strong> <em>&#8220;this blogger probably jus wan to get a Singapore PR desperately.. judging from wat he has got to say.. pathetic loser.&#8221;</em> </p></blockquote> <p>Ahhh&#8230; the wonderful mind of a simpleton! 🙂<br /> <br /> <strong style="font-size:large;">3. Discuss which Hong Kong actor I look like.</strong><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050623-3.jpg" src="" width="400" height="300" /><br /> Check it out <a href=";st=240"><strong>here</strong></a>.<br /> When someone commented in my chatterbox saying that I look like Jerry Yan, I almost choked on my own vomit.</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-146" class="post-146 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-life-documentary"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to Why You Should Vote For" rel="bookmark">Why You Should Vote For</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 16 June 2005 @ 11:51 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-06-16T23:51:14+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">16 June 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">Life Documentary</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on Why You Should Vote For">57 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>I haven&#8217;t got any funny stories to share today, so I&#8217;ll just write something I haven&#8217;t wrote about in a long time &#8211; <strong>myself</strong>. Normal blogging resumes tomorrow.<br /> I am privileged to be chosen as one of the finalists in the <em><strong><a href="">PPS Blog Awards 2005</a></strong></em>, organised by the Malaysian blog portal <em>Project Petaling Street (PPS)</em>. Most people probably don&#8217;t care about this but it is quite a big thing to me. This award is unique because it is one that is organised by Malaysian bloggers, voted by Malaysian bloggers, for Malaysian bloggers.<br /> There three award categories are : <em>Blog of the Year (BOTY), Ping of the Year (POTY)</em> (aka Best Blog Entry) and <em>Neophyte Blog of the Year (NOTY)</em> (aka b3sT n00b b|0GG3rz!)<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="pps" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">I hope the winner gets some trophy like this.<br /> I am honoured to be in the running for the <em>Ping of the Year</em> award together with such worthy contendors as <a href="">Jeff Ooi</a> and <a href="">Peter Tan</a>. *pauses for applause* I am also up for the prestigious <em>Blog of the Year</em> award alongside well-respected Malaysian bloggers such as <a href="">Mack Zulkifli</a> and <a href="">Viewtru</a> *pauses for another round of applause*<br /> There&#8217;s one day left till voting closes. If you&#8217;re a eligible, I urge that you cast your vote. You don&#8217;t have to vote for <strong>me</strong>, vote for the <strong>meaning behind it</strong>. In saying that, no matter who emerges as the winner, do remember than in our hearts&#8230; we are already winners.<br /> May the best man wins. *wipes tears*<br /> <strong style="font-size: xx-large;">:&#8217;)</strong><br /> AAAAHHHHHHHH Screw this diplomatic bullshit! Cannot tahan trying to act Mr Nice Guy already. Too boring!<br /> That&#8217;s the problem with us finalists. We are all too nice to each other. No one is writing anything passionate about this contest I&#8217;m starting to think we finalists probably forgotten all about the awards. What we need here is a little bit of <em>pretend rivalry</em> to spice up the awards. Which is what I&#8217;ll do.<br /> I&#8217;m unable to contain my excitement. Its <strong>true </strong>that I respect the other bloggers in the running for this award, and its <strong>true </strong>that I probably don&#8217;t deserve to win. But I cannot hide the fact that <strong>I want to win the PPS Blog Awards</strong>. There&#8217;s free T-shirt and free 1-year webhosting for the winner. And I want them. I want to win. Who doesn&#8217;t?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050616-3.jpg" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">The prized T-shirt, as modelled by PPS Administrator <a href="">Aizuddin Danian</a> on the catwalks of Milan last summer.</p> <p>The behind-the-scenes gossip at the PPS Blog Awards is already sensational on its own.<br /> Initially I was leading the nominations for both NOTY and POTY, narrowly losing out the BOTY finalist spot. Jeff Ooi&#8217;s BOTY finalist spot was a certainty and looking at the number of nominations, many predicted that I would win NOTY and Jeff Ooi would win BOTY by a landslide.<br /> Yet, when the voting booth opened many people was surprised to see that Jeff Ooi had relinquished his BOTY finalist spot. I was taken off NOTY and given Jeff Ooi&#8217;s finalist spot to run for <em>Blog of the Year</em>, eventhough I didn&#8217;t qualify in the first place.<br /> This could only mean one thing. <strong>I&#8217;m not a NOTY boy.</strong><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050616-2.jpg" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">And the nominees are&#8230;<br /> Pardon the lame pun.<br /> To Singaporean readers who have no idea who Jeff Ooi is, allow me to introduce. <a href="">Jeff Ooi</a> is one of the most respected bloggers in Malaysia. He is our very own moral crusader, our freedom fighter, our online ombudsman, Malaysia&#8217;s Most Influential Blogger, and the AH KONG of all Malaysian blogs! As an analogy, think Singapore&#8217;s <a href="">mr brown</a>&#8230; but a lot more serious content and a lot less humour.<br /> I look at the people I&#8217;m contending with and I look at myself. A lot of people might disagree with me, but I&#8217;m the underdog here. Let&#8217;s see who I&#8217;m up against.<br /> <strong style="font-size:large;">Blog of the Year</strong><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050616-4.jpg" src="" width="500" height="375" /></p> <p class="caption">Or if you like&#8230; Triple Mack Vs View Mystrurio Vs Hulk Coconut</p> <p><a href="">Viewtru</a>. An anonymous blog whom some people say have the same brand of humour as mine. He&#8217;s been blogging since September 2003, which makes him the veteran blogger in this category. Compared to my blog, Viewtru&#8217;s style of writing is not as attention-grabbing. It is very casual and relaxed which probably appeals to the other bloggers who would cast their vote in his favour based on that.<br /> <a href="">Mack Zulkifli</a> is a highly intellectual individual whose blog focus mostly on politics and current affairs. He&#8217;s often compared to Jeff Ooi, and I must say they are indeed quite similar&#8230; right down to their brush with the local police respectively. Some would say his blog is dry and reads like a PhD thesis. But unlike Viewtru or myself, Mack&#8217;s blog seek to empower not entertain. He&#8217;ll appeal to voters who want a serious and mature current-affairs-type blogger to take the <em>Blog of the Year</em> award because let&#8217;s face it, I find my coconuts more interesting than politics.<br /> <strong style="font-size:large;">Ping of the Year</strong><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050616-4.jpg" src="" width="500" height="375" /></p> <p class="caption">Or if you like&#8230; Stone Cold Jeff Ooi Vs Kenny Cena Vs Peter The Rock</p> <p><a href="">Jeff Ooi&#8217;s blog</a> got him on front-page headlines and won him the Freedom Blog Awards. And all my <a href="">April Fool&#8217;s entry</a> got me was marriage proposals.<br /> <a href="">Peter Tan</a> risked his life to type this entry when the Earthquake hit Penang. All I risked was <a href="">my dignity</a>.<br /> I think its pretty obvious which one of our blog entries has more substance lah.<br /> Damn. I wanted to blast my opponents but I ended up giving people reasons to vote for them instead. But yeah&#8230; vote for me because you enjoyed reading me or something lah (I hope!)<br /> You need to be a Malaysian blogger previously registered with Project Petaling Street to be eligible to <a href=""><strong>vote</strong></a>. There&#8217;s one day left, so be quick!<br /> And if you can&#8217;t vote, I guess you can always give me encouragement by telling me how beautiful I am.</p> <p> <a href="" class="more-link">Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span></a></p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-145" class="post-145 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-life-documentary"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to My Very First Newspaper Interview" rel="bookmark">My Very First Newspaper Interview</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 15 June 2005 @ 2:42 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-06-15T02:42:20+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">15 June 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">Life Documentary</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on My Very First Newspaper Interview">64 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p><strong><em>&#8220;Flash your titties on your blog big deal ah? Come interview me lah!&#8221;</em></strong><br /> Nabeh.<br /> Shortly after I posted <a href="">that entry</a>, <em>heng-heng</em> two journalists from two different newspapers e-mailed me for an interview. One is by a Malaysian newspaper who wished to remain anonymous, and the other is by Singapore&#8217;s <em>Straits Times</em>.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="se" src="" width="400" height="300" /><br /> The journalist from <em>The Straits Times</em> damn power. We talked on the telephone for almost an hour, international call no-less, until my ear also barbequed to medium-rare liaw. How much of what I said is recorded I don&#8217;t know lah. Singaporean readers please keep an eye out for an article on the <em>&#8216;Sarong Party Girl&#8217; fiasco</em> over the next few days ok?<br /> I was told that there&#8217;s a possiblity my <a href="">&#8216;red boxers pose&#8217;</a> <strong>might </strong>be published on the Singaporean national newspaper. Honestly I don&#8217;t know why they would want to do that. Singaporean people so skinny already they still want to make them vomit out their lunch some more. Later Jonathan &#8220;Talk&#8221; Kok sue me for breaking obscenity laws then I know ah.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="se" src="" width="400" height="300" /><br /> If you&#8217;re wondering about the details of <em>The Straits Times</em> interview, I basically said what I wanted to say in my entry already. I don&#8217;t agree with Sarong Party Girl&#8217;s ideologies, but I do believe that the newspaper is making a big hoo-hah out of it, and I think Ng Heng Ghee&#8217;s remarks about her parents were out-of-place and insensitive.<br /> We talked about the repercussion of this and how the elder generation might become even more paranoid about the Internet and their children keeping blogs. She defended the newspaper&#8217;s decision to publish the story in the first place, whilst I argued such gossipy kopitiam talk shouldn&#8217;t even be worthy of a 6&#215;4 place on a reputable national newspaper.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="se" src="" width="400" height="300" /><br /> I made some comments about bloggers sticking up for one another in times like this. Obviously I&#8217;m not the best person to represent the millions of bloggers out there, but I think the statements I made reflect the sentiments the blogging community in general have regarding this Sarong Party Girl situation. We shall see.<br /> All in all, it was a great chat I had with the journalist.<br /> Now, all that&#8217;s left to be done is for Sarong Party Girl to read that newspaper article when its published, and convince herself that my dick is in fact, bigger than a white man&#8217;s dick. 🙂</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-135" class="post-135 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-life-documentary"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to Vote me! Vote me!" rel="bookmark">Vote me! Vote me!</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 2 June 2005 @ 1:49 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-06-02T01:49:12+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">2 June 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">Life Documentary</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on Vote me! Vote me!">32 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050602-1.jpg" src="" width="400" height="300" /><br /> Guess what? I&#8217;m shortlisted as a finalist in the <strong><a href="">Project Petaling Street (PPS) Blog Awards</a></strong>! In two out of three prestigious categories no less!<br /> This could mean one of two things. Either I&#8217;m one bloody good blogger. Or people in the Malaysian blogging community have finally gone crazy liaw.<br /> But in all seriousness, I&#8217;m very flattered. Although I have my serious side from time to time, what I write here are usually very light-hearted and perhaps even <em>&#8216;infantile&#8217;</em> in nature. There are <em>&#8216;mature&#8217;</em> bloggers out there (both in terms of their <strong>content </strong>and their <strong>age</strong>) who fully deserves to be awarded <em>Blog of the Year</em>. I know I&#8217;m not one of them.<br /> Many people believe that <a href="">Jeff Ooi</a> deserves the <em>Blog of the Year</em> award, but yet he&#8217;s not one of the finalists. Well of course not. That man is obviously eyeing his <em><a href="">Freedom Blog Awards</a></em>. He&#8217;s not gonna take this PPS bullshit!<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050602-2.gif" src="" width="150" height="275" /><br /> In any case, I&#8217;m very surprised and I&#8217;m very flattered. Judging by the silly things I write, I never regard myself as one of the best bloggers Malaysia has to offer. It makes my balls grow bigger knowing that there are people who do, and I sincerely thank you for that.<br /> If I win these awards, somebody should buy me a new pair of underwear.</p> <blockquote><p> <strong>Blog of the Year</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Viewtru</a></li> <li><a href="">Brand New Malaysian</a></li> <li><a href=""><strong>Kenny Sia</strong></a></li> </ul> <p><strong>Ping of the Year</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href=""><strong>April Fool&#8217;s: Making Fun of Myself, by Kenny Sia</strong></a></li> <li><a href="">Screenshots vilified on Berita frontpage, by Jeff Ooi</a></li> <li><a href="">Bloggers Are Morons, by Peter Tan</a></li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>VOTE HERE.</strong></a> </p></blockquote> <p>Only Malaysian bloggers registered with <em>Project Petaling Street</em> can vote though. Singaporean readers can show their support by hanging a big banner across Woodlands Checkpoint. Or you can just tell me you love me when I <s>hijack</s> attend the <a href="">Singapore Bloggers Conference</a> on the 16th July.<br /> But anyway, I won&#8217;t ask you to vote for me, because <a href="">Kenneth Chiew will</a>. 🙂</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-129" class="post-129 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-life-documentary"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to Not A Typical Day" rel="bookmark">Not A Typical Day</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 27 May 2005 @ 2:19 am" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-05-27T02:19:28+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">27 May 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">Life Documentary</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on Not A Typical Day">30 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>I had wanted to update earlier. But I logged on to MSN last night.<br /> <a href="">Kimm</a>. No mood.<br /> <a href="">Ting</a>. Gloomy.<br /> Nicole. Upset.<br /> Gee, what did I do wrong? Someone please talk to me leh.<br /> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*<br /> I visited <a href="">Gambs</a> at his workplace yesterday afternoon to look at some of the stuff he&#8217;s selling. Gambs works at Huygens, which is coincidentally where another well-known blogger <a href="">HB </a>works at as well.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Huygens" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">Huygens Asia &#8211; Remote Surveillance cum Blog Reading company</p> <p>I think word about must have gotten around their workplace or something. I have a feeling my face is being recognised. Even before I entered the office, one of their workmates standing outside was giving me a grin wider than a Cheshire Cat&#8217;s ass.</p> <blockquote><p> <em><br /> <strong>Dude:</strong> *BIG GRIN* &#8220;You&#8217;re Kenny Sia right?&#8221;<br /> <strong>Kenny:</strong> *puzzled* &#8220;Yes I am. And you are?&#8221;<br /> <strong>Dude:</strong> *shy* &#8220;No, I&#8217;m&#8230; uhh&#8230;. nothing! The office is just right there!&#8221;<br /> <strong>Kenny:</strong> *confused* &#8220;Thanks.&#8221;<br /> </em> </p></blockquote> <p>I seriously hope he&#8217;s not imagining me in my red boxers. Gee, you Huygens people are weird. That annoying <a href="">Kung Fu fighting rat</a> must have gotten to you.<br /> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*<br /> <em><br /> <strong>My5tICal:</strong> &#8220;3 CHEERS FOR KENNY~!! U MADE MY DAY.. SONG BO XIAXUE??&#8221;<br /> <strong>Anonymous:</strong> &#8220;Good 1 there!!! She juz simply arrogant and behave like a bitch!&#8221;<br /> <strong>Haha:</strong> &#8220;This blog is good unlike some arrogant bitch(XX) who thinks she&#8217;s all powerful. Love the XX parady very very genuius. Hope to see more of it.&#8221;<br /> <strong>suckmydick_xuexue:</strong> yeah&#8230;she deserve it..the bitch&#8230;..who she thinks she is&#8230;&#8230;<br /> </em><br /> Awww&#8230; you poor little angry people. Here&#8217;s a T-shirt for you to cheer you up.</p> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="t-shirt" src="" width="397" height="456" /></p> <p class="caption">Comes in sizes S, M, L, and F&#8230; for &#8216;Fuck You&#8217;.</p> <p>I wrote an e-mail to Wendy because I was upset at some of the hate comments my &#8216;wedding proposal rejection&#8217; entry has generated. It doesn&#8217;t take a PSLE of 269 (whatever that is) to work out that we were simply just joking around and both our entries was done both for the amusement of ourselves and for the entertainment of <strong>YOU</strong>, the readers. Unfortunately all it takes is a couple of idiots to say some hurtful words and then what was potentially funny ends up becoming unfunny.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="feelings" src="" width="450" height="338" /></p> <p class="caption">Everything I write you also angry. I want to protest liaw.</p> <p>I understand that the overexposure on her on mainstream media and other blogs contributed to people believing that she&#8217;s overrated. I don&#8217;t blame them. Its like the Paris Hilton effect. And no one can expect to be loved by everyone. Not even the Pope.<br /> What I&#8217;m trying to say is this &#8211; if don&#8217;t like someone, you <strong>may </strong>criticise, but I <em>implore </em>you to criticise <strong>sensibly</strong>, <strong>constructively </strong>and in <strong>a civil manner</strong>.<br /> At the end of the day, bloggers and politicians and catwalks models and Hollywood superstars are but mere humans who have emotions, just like everyone else around you. You be nice to me and I&#8217;ll be nice to you. When we read insensible attack comments like that, your objective is achieved because it makes us feel like utter crap.<br /> Its easy for you to hurl insults, and its easy for others to tell us to ignore them. But I ask you. How would you feel if I were to call you an arrogant shit-eating son of a bitch?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="woof" src="" width="400" height="300" /><br /> I explained to Wendy that it wasn&#8217;t my intention to bring her down or to make fun of her at her expense. I was pleasantly surprised she wrote back in a few minutes time saying that she understands and invited me to talk to her on MSN.<br /> Gee, I think if you tell me 5 months ago that I&#8217;ll be shaking hands with sixthseal or talk to XiaXue about &#8216;alternative uses&#8217; of shoulder massagers on MSN, I&#8217;d laugh at you and tell you that my name is Kenny Rogers.<br /> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050527-5.gif" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">Oi my fellow countrymen. Support a bit leh.</p> <p> I promise I&#8217;ll stop writing about XiaXue and anything remotely Singaporean after this entry.<br /> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*<br /> Anywho, on a more light-hearted note, its plug time!<br /> <strong>YuHui </strong>didn&#8217;t seem to get as sick from the XX-overexposure as many others did. As a matter of fact, he&#8217;s the only person left on planet Earth who still believes in the Kennysia-Xiaxue Blog Wedding. Introducing <a href=""><strong></strong>!</a><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050527-6.jpg" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">Oh no&#8230; ITS PINK!</p> <p>Considering both the supposed bride and the groom will not be attending, I think YuHui is gonna have fun singing karaoke and drinking beer by himself come 20/06/2005.<br /> <br /> <strong><a href=""><br /> Scarlett Ting</a></strong> appeared on an ad with Silk Air promoting their new Singapore-Kuching flight. I laughed out loud as soon as I saw the ad because the guy in it reminds me so much of myself.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050527-7.jpg" src="" width="500" height="375" /><br /> <br /> <strong><a href="">sassyjan </a></strong>got excited when I quoted from one of her entries. To &#8216;commemorate&#8217; this &#8216;momentous occasion&#8217;, she created this nice little button.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="sia suey" src="" width="266" height="260" /><br /> Thanks for the button, Janice! It certainly is my pleasure to <em>&#8216;sia suey&#8217;</em> you. 🙂<br /> Come to think of it, maybe I should create a button for myself to commemorate the blog princess&#8217; marriage proposal too.</p> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050527-9.jpg" src="" width="365" height="365" /><br /> Yoda leh! Don&#8217;t play play.</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-100" class="post-100 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-life-documentary"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to Kenny Goes HIV-Testing" rel="bookmark">Kenny Goes HIV-Testing</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 23 April 2005 @ 11:50 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-04-23T23:50:23+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">23 April 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">Life Documentary</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on Kenny Goes HIV-Testing">26 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>I always have the habit of doing things impulsively without much forethought.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="BP Labs" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption"> <p>Last Friday I drove past a BP Laboratory <s>when I decided to drive in and fill up my petrol tank</s> when I remembered a thought-provoking entry I read on <a href="">Guide to HIV Testing in Malaysia</a> is a down-to-earth blog entry focusing on the importance of HIV Testing from a youth&#8217;s point of view, as opposed to mother-like annoying reading materials from both government and non-government organization.<br /> This is the same entry than earned the blogger HB an award by the <em>Malaysian AIDS Council</em> for creating HIV awareness in the country. An unsolved mystery remains till today as to why our traditionally conservative leaders (including Badawi, Mahathir and his daughter Marina) so happily presented the award to HB, whilst conveniently overlooking the fact that the said article as well as the rest of the blog included references to the blogger&#8217;s <strong><em>&#8220;ALLEGED&#8221; </em></strong>pharmaceutical + illicit + recreational drug use. Hmmm&#8230;<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Inside BP Labs" src="" width="400" height="300" /><br /> Like most people my age, I grew up overloaded with HIV/AIDS information. I know what they&#8217;re trying to achieve when they said they wanted to create awareness, but somehow listening to them constantly bombarding us with HIV awareness messages like that since PRIMARY SCHOOL kinda numbed its effect on me when I grow older and am actually ready for a sex life (not that I have any now anyway). I understand there&#8217;s a need for HIV awareness, but for fuck&#8217;s sake primary schools are not the place for it!<br /> Once I heard an enthusiastic anti-HIV campaigner/auntie on the radio. Interestingly, the radio DJ&#8217;s name is <strong>Rose</strong>, but the aunty kept calling her <strong>Roast</strong>. I thought why anyone would be so stupid as to name themselves Roast, until the DJ signed off by saying with a hint of sarcasm <em>&#8220;This is <strong>ROSALIND</strong>. Thanks for joining us.&#8221;</em><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Roast Chicken" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">This is what I thought the scene was like at the studio</p> <p>The anti-HIV auntie lamented the fact that when she gave out pamphlets to people in shopping malls, people threw them in the bin instead of reading it. Well of course they threw it in the bin! Its always the same textbook shit: use condoms lah, don&#8217;t share needles lah, don&#8217;t sleep around lah. We&#8217;ve all heard it a thousand time before and we don&#8217;t need to hear it again. Besides most people like myself always bear that <em>&#8220;Its never gonna happen to me&#8221;</em> attitude.<br /> Its only after reading the aforementioned blog and watching a Japanese mini-series about AIDS (starring Kyoko Fukada and Takeshi Kanena) that I changed my attitude and realize <em>&#8220;Shit, this HIV thing is risky business!&#8221;</em><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Tube" src="" width="400" height="300" /><br /> Anyway I impulsively made a U-turn and proceeded right into the clinic asking for a HIV test. The lady at the counter gave me a form to fill out and asked for my identity card. Now here&#8217;s where I chose NOT to give out my personal information because if, <strong>IF</strong> I&#8217;m HIV-positive, my personal information will be entered into the government registry and I would be placed under constant scrutiny. Who know they might even <a href="">cast me away on an isolated island</a> with other AIDS sufferers to avoid infecting others.<br /> I&#8217;m pretty confident I&#8217;m HIV-negative but I still asked to be anonymous so I wrote my name as <em>&#8216;Kent&#8217; </em>(in case I forgot what I&#8217;m supposed to be called) I gave the form back to her along with the RM25 fee, and that was that.<br /> The last blood test I took was eight years ago as part of my application for Australian permanent residency. Despite my enormous balls, I&#8217;m still chickenshit when it comes to needles. When I was younger I hated it when my mother tried to coax me into allowing the nurse to stick a needle into me by saying <em>&#8220;don&#8217;t worry it won&#8217;t hurt&#8221; </em>or <em>&#8220;its only gonna hurt just a little&#8221;</em> because GODAMMIT IT HURTS LIKE HELL ALRIGHT!?<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Needle" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">That&#8217;s not me but I put the picture in there just to satisfy you sick freaks out there</p> <p>Well the blood test was SOP. I felt stupid placing my arm on the padding because I actually paid RM25 to sit through this. Obviously I didn&#8217;t take any photos of the nurse drawing blood out of my veins because <s>I was shaking with fear and I didn&#8217;t dare to look at the shiny needle piercing into me</s> uhhh&#8230; the camera battery died on me.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Plaster" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">My camera battery miraculously went alive again when I took this shot!</p> <p>This is not related but there&#8217;s one incident back in Perth that still scares the living shit out of me when I think about it.<br /> There&#8217;s one sunny afternoon when Nicole and I were walking towards Hay St Mall minding our own business when we were approached by a stranger asking for money. I don&#8217;t remember much about him but he was short, slim, droopy-eyed, olive-skinned and sported some curly locks. Come to think about it he kinda look like MotoGP racer <em>Valentino Rossi</em>.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Rossi" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">Yes that&#8217;s the culprit! THAT&#8217;S HIM!</p> <p>People who&#8217;ve been to Perth would know that there&#8217;s ALWAYS people asking you for money. My policy is not to give any money to random beggars off the streets because when you have your arms and legs attached I don&#8217;t see why you can&#8217;t get a job. Instead of someone wandering the streets asking me <em>&#8220;Brudda&#8230; can I get dolla?&#8221;</em>, I&#8217;d rather give my money to those buskers in the city because at least they provide me with crappy entertainment.<br /> So I effectively told the stranger <em>&#8220;No I don&#8217;t wanna give you any money&#8221;</em>, which angered him. At that point he pulled out a syringe from his pocket, removed its orange cap to expose the needle and held it above his head repeatedly screaming <em>&#8220;DO YOU WANT AIDS?! DO YOU WANT AIDS!? I&#8217;LL GIVE YOU AIDS!!&#8221; </em>maniacally. Remember this all happened in matter for few seconds in broad daylight with busy shoppers walking around. I was terrified.<br /> I wished I could say I turned into Jacky Chan, gave him some vicious karate chops and ripped a new asshole for him so when he shits it comes out of both holes. But I didn&#8217;t.<br /> Instead I was busy <s>wetting my pants</s> handing him money from my wallet because I didn&#8217;t want Nicole or I to get into trouble. He demanded AUD$50 but I think I gave him a grand total of AUD$3 which was all the coins I had at the time.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Wound" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">Here&#8217;s where the needle poked, three days later.</p> <p>Sorry I digressed.<br /> Anyway, just earlier today I went to BP Labs and picked up my results.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Result" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">Anti-HIV I &#038; II Screening: Non Reactive. That means I&#8217;m indeed HIV-Negative. 🙂</p> <p>That&#8217;s right. Kent err&#8230; <strong><em>Kenny </em></strong>is tested free from HIV. That means I&#8217;m a certified walking <strong>STUD </strong>and not a certified walking <strong>STD</strong>.<br /> Please send all requests to have unprotected sex with me to <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.<br /> &#8230;<br /> Just kidding, of course.<br /> If your name is Nicole and you hate me, you may send a powderful computer virus to <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.<br /> Thank you.</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-99" class="post-99 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-life-documentary"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to 40 Hours at the Medical Ward" rel="bookmark">40 Hours at the Medical Ward</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 22 April 2005 @ 11:15 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-04-22T23:15:47+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">22 April 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">Life Documentary</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on 40 Hours at the Medical Ward">55 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="ward" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">I took so much pictures at the hospital, they&#8217;re actually thinking of sending me to a hospital of a different kind</p> <p>You guys are too nice lah.<br /> I disabled comments in my last entry because I didn&#8217;t want you guys to get too concerned or worried over me. Seems like I&#8217;ve underestimated the resourcefulness of <strong></strong> readers.<br /> Its only been two days, and already my e-mail and chatterbox were bombarded with messages from well-wishers. I might take some time to reply those e-mails, but I&#8217;d just like to say that those words meant a lot to me. From the bottom of his heart (what? I have a heart?), Kenny would like to say <em>&#8220;gam-sia&#8221;</em>. 🙂<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Ciggie" src="" width="400" height="533" /></p> <p class="caption">My father smoking the most expensive cigarette in the world.</p> <p>Yes, I spent my last two days at the hospital with my father. In a mad coincidence of events, my mother and my brother were both out of town for other equally important commitments, my sister has her own kids to take care of, so I ended up being the only person (apart from his siblings) able to care for him.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Survival" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">My survival kit for the next 40 hours. Yes I know its a little inappropriate but do I look like I care?</p> <p>Anyway, it turned out that the wound on my father&#8217;s forehead was superficial. The reason he had to stay at the hospital for two nights was because his haemoglobin level was running low, and the blood bank was lacking fresh supplies for transfusion.<br /> Well I was frustrated about the delay. Besides I think my father deserves only the best. So I flew to West Malaysia, slayed some young virgin girls and brought back some fresh blood for my father.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050422-7.jpg" src="" width="400" height="600" /></p> <p class="caption">I&#8217;m sorry guys, but these annoying twats won&#8217;t be releasing any more albums next Chinese New Year!</p> <p>Without a WiFi-enabled laptop I had lots of fun chatting to the wall. But in my 40 hours, I&#8217;ve observed that the scene at the medical ward was interesting to say the least. Seriously, before this, I thought <em><strong>my bedroom</strong></em> was the only place in the world where people would eat, shit and sleep at the same location.<br /> One thing I find interesting was the doctors there.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Doctors" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">Its a requirement to know how to do split legs if you want to earn a Doctor&#8217;s degree</p> <p>I always had the stereotype that doctors are usually big fat balding middle-aged men with that sleazy look on their face, which was why I was quite surprised to see these slim-built good-looking 20-somethings wearing the sthetoscopes, complete with their <em>hao lien</em> Versace suits, Tag Heuer watches and overseas-educated accented English. WTF!?<br /> <!-- <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Late night" src="" width="400" height="300" /> <p class="caption">I know she looks normal but I think this nurse is kinda cute. Then again, when the only other female in the ward is the cleaning lady... </p> With so many sweet young nurses around, I bet these doctors are getting easily all the "action". Who knows what's going on late at night behind the curtains on the hospital bed?! <blockquote> <strong>Doctor:</strong> Hey baby, wanna see my <em>Intensive Care Unit</em>? <strong>Nurse:</strong> Oh my... I've never held a <em>syringe</em> THAT big! Why don't you give me an <em>injection</em>... down there? </blockquote> GAH! Stupid pretentious rich kids. --><br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Late night" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">The hospital turns into a spooky place at night</p> <p>Staying at the hospital wasn&#8217;t that bad. Things only go bad at night because when you&#8217;re surrounded by sick people your mind starts playing tricks on you. Even normal things like an taking a lift becomes spooky.<br /> I had the misfortune of riding a lift at 4am in the morning. It stopped at Level 4 and when it opened its door and no one was around. Normally I&#8217;d just be pissed off but when it happened last night I was so scared I hugged my balls for protection.<br /> I like the picture of this corridor. It shows how quiet the ward was at night.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Corridor" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">What? Is there something wrong with this pic?</p> <p>Regardless, I&#8217;m sure glad this little ordeal is over. My father was discharged this morning and I finally get to sleep at my own bed for a change. Best of all, I&#8217;m finally re-united with my computer.<br /> Now if you&#8217;ll excuse me I think I need a well-deserved sleep. 🙂</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <article itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" id="post-90" class="post-90 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-life-documentary"> <header class="entry-header"> <h1 class="entry-title"> <a href="" title="Permalink to If There&#8217;s A Will, There&#8217;s A Way&#8230; Right?" rel="bookmark">If There&#8217;s A Will, There&#8217;s A Way&#8230; Right?</a> </h1> <div class="header-meta"><span class="publish-date"><i class="far fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Posted 12 April 2005 @ 11:53 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2005-04-12T23:53:49+08:00" itemprop="datePublished">12 April 2005</time></a></span><address class="publish-author"><i class="fas fa-pencil-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="" title="View all posts by admin" rel="author" itemprop="author">admin</a></span></address><span class="post-categories"><a href="" rel="category tag">Life Documentary</a></span><span class="comments-link"><i class="fas fa-comment" aria-hidden="true"></i> <a href="" title="Comment on If There&#8217;s A Will, There&#8217;s A Way&#8230; Right?">26 Comments</a></span></div> </header> <!-- /.entry-header --> <div class="entry-content"> <p>Alright, I&#8217;m gonna do another serious entry whilst I&#8217;m still feeling low and sombre. I shall save the rant for tomorrow.<br /> I know by looking at the stats and comments what kinda entries is popular for. I admit its a very ball-enlarging thing to learn that this site went from 178 visitors same time last month to 1535 unique visitors yesterday fetching 1.10GB.<br /> Its <s>dick</s> chest-stiffening to know that some of;s readers are <a href="">sweet young things</a> and <a href="">sizzling lingerie models</a>. But I&#8217;m not gonna whore for hits today. 🙂<br /> Instead I&#8217;m tuning back into reality for a while.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="20050412-2.jpg" src="" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">Home for 8 years, <s>for sale</s>&#8230; SOLD.</p> <p>For the benefit of those who just started following my blog and <s>too lazy</s>&#8230; doesn&#8217;t want to read through the archives, I&#8217;ll try to summarise what happened in one paragraph or less.<br /> I&#8217;ve spent the past eight years of my life in Perth Australia studying, and later <a href="">working</a>. October last year, I learnt that my father was diagnosed with <a href="">Stage IV kidney cancer</a>. So about six weeks ago, I <a href="">left my handsome job</a>, my <a href="">girlfriend</a> and <a href="">returned to Kuching</a>, starting <a href="">a new life</a>.<br /> So there.<br /> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*</p> <blockquote style="background-color:#EEFFFF;"> <div style="padding: 15px;"> <strong>Dear Gary, Julie and the rest of the folks at Spectra,</strong><br /> How are y&#8217;all doing? Its been 6 weeks since I left Perth, so here&#8217;s just a quick note to let you know that things are still holding up at my end.<br /> Since the last time I wrote, my father&#8217;s health has improved somewhat. Gone were the eerie hallucinations he spoke of. Gone were his awkward tendencies to forget things and the dazed expressions. The glow on his face is restored. His weight has gone up slightly as his appetite improved. As a matter of fact, he just had dinner at KFC!<br /> All in all, my father behaves very much like a normal person except he still can&#8217;t move around too much and still require lots of rest. I can only hope that this is the beginning of a miracle. Once again I sincerely thank you for your well wishes.<br /> The <s>bad news</s> <s>good news</s> bad news is, I still honestly have no idea if or when I&#8217;ll be back in Perth.<br /> I&#8217;m not sure what is going to happen to the software that I wrote or if there&#8217;s someone new to look after them. But as always, I&#8217;m reachable by e-mail and if there&#8217;s any pressing bugs that needs to be squashed or portions of the code that wasn&#8217;t documented properly, just let me know and I&#8217;ll do my best. Hey, just because I&#8217;m not on the company payroll doesn&#8217;t mean I won&#8217;t be helping out! 🙂<br /> Hope things are going well over there. I miss you guys all dearly.<br /> Regards,<br /> <em>Kenny</em> </div> </blockquote> <p>*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*<br /> Having to hear my father state the terms of his will, is without a doubt, one of the most difficult things I&#8217;ve ever had to experience in my life.<br /> We don&#8217;t want your money, we just want you to <strong>LIVE</strong>.<br /> <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" alt="Prayer" src=" images/photos/20050412-1.jpg" width="400" height="300" /></p> <p class="caption">Say a little prayer.</p> </div> <!-- /.entry-content --> <footer class="entry-meta"> </footer> <!-- /.entry-meta --> </article> <!-- /#post --> <nav class="navigation pagination" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><a class="prev page-numbers" href=""><i class="fas fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span>Previous</span></a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">1</a> <span class="page-numbers dots">&hellip;</span> <a class="page-numbers" 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