Getting Back Into The Routine


I’m back.

956 photos.
535 megabytes.
5 days.
4 nights.
3 bags.
2 countries.
1 man stupid enough to do it all.

… And he’s the proud owner of this T-shirt.

I finally arrived home safely after what can only be described as my most memorable trip to Singapore and KL. To say I’m dog tired is an understatement. All I need right now is my bed.

Blogging? Not now man, not now.

For photos, words, photos, gossips, videos, scandals, and photos, you might have to wait till tomorrow night. Bear with me yea?

47 Replies to “Getting Back Into The Routine”

  1. Yay! Oh by the way, your Datuknametoolongitis entry has been going around through e-mails.. Famous la you!! However, there were no mention of the author nor the website..

  2. kenny,
    wat r u doing in a hourly rated hotel in s’pore, huh?…somemore pakai sampai $ not enuf…aiyah u shld have called me…i’ll fly over fr JB in a jiffy to lend u money.

  3. HEYYYYYYYYYYY Kenny!!!!!
    WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!! miss checking on ur blog.Am sure there are hordes of others.
    CONGRATS ON winning blog of the year!

  4. kenny, nice meeting you though it was just a second handshake and smile!
    hope to see you back to normal blogging tomorrow. missed reading your blog. yes! show us lots of pictures please! and lots of your humour!

  5. kenny, nice meeting you though it was just a second handshake and smile!
    hope to see you back to normal blogging tomorrow. missed reading your blog. yes! show us lots of pictures please! and lots of your humour!

  6. Dear Kenny,
    I was reading jeowei’s blog and saw some really really interesting pictures when you went down to S’pore to meet her, and xiaxue too.

  7. Welcome back! aww, poor guy, you’re totally pooped, huh? =P i just read xiaxue’s blog… omg, no offense to your gf, but i think you and xiaxue look like such a cute and adorable couple!!! the pics. looked so sweet and perfect eventhough it’s just a joke =P. anyway, hope you had fun!! can’t wait to see your next entry. sweet & sour dreams. oh and congrats on winning blog of the year! how important is this to you on a scale from 1 to 10 regarding lifetime achievements? What other stuff has been as great as this? Oh well, anyway, sweet & sour dreams!=)

  8. Walauey. A bit alot of comments for a short post right?! Since you came to kl to see uS, i shall go Kuching to see you soon πŸ˜‰
    Okay la, lying a bit. To see the rain and the forest and music and the festival first. Eh i can’t send you a reply email. It keeps bouncing back. Must be all your fanmail dammit.

  9. ..and after braving the savage sodomites in KL (I wanna hump Kenny poseurs!), our brave, talented champion blogger is finally safe in Sarawak, leaving the wild bloggers far away across the sea.

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