Wallpapers By kennysia.com

I am awesome.
I travel a lot, and I take a lot of photos when I travel. Very often, I wet myself witnessing how amazing some of the shots turned out to be. Most of these pics were taken using a simple point-and-shoot camera (my trusty 3-megapixel Kodak) with minimal touch-up done using Photoshop.
These pics had served me faithfully as my desktop wallpapers in the past. I reckon it’s criminal if I don’t share them, so feel free to download them for your own personal use.
The Boathouse
Perth, Australia.

Download as 1280 x 960 wallpaper

Saratok Sunset
Saratok, Malaysia.

Download as 1280 x 960 wallpaper

Singapore Sling

Download as 1280 x 960 wallpaper

East Meets West
Shanghai, China.

Download as 1280 x 960 wallpaper

I need to rant.
It seriously pisses me off to no end listening to people with a warped sense of aesthetics.
Everytime I put up a photo of a girl who I think looks good or at least above average, 99.9% of the time I’ll get inundated comments saying she’s not JUST “not pretty”, not JUST “an average-looking lass”, but “fucking fucking UGLY”.

Carrie is pretty. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a piece of turd oozing out from the backside of someone who had taken Melilea for 30 days straight.

Has the whole world gone mad? Whatever happened to the different degrees of beauty? Everything now must be either ‘pretty’ or ‘ugly’ one meh? Whatever happened to descriptions like ‘reasonably pretty’ or ‘average’ or even ‘mediocre’?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying everybody should agree with me. I’m okay if people think the girl I put up is not pretty. I’m just saying I find it UNBELIEVABLE that people would actually classify girls like Ericka or Emma as “fucking fucking UGLY”.
Shit, if girls like Emma are considered fucking ugly, what do you call Courtney Love?

As far as I’m concerned, there are two possible explanations to this scenario.
One, is what Lena Fonseka said to me was right. Our perception on beauty has become so screwed up by fashion mags and MTV, that anything less than FHM cover girl perfection is considered “fucking fucking UGLY”.
If that’s the case then I mourn for the deterioration of human intelligence. Thanks to you, every girl who has not graced the covers of FHM is now considered “fucking fucking UGLY”.

Two, is that I went to sleep one night and miraculously woke up in Planet Mars. Over here, every thing is polar opposite to the way things are on Earth. Our red is their green, our cloud is their sea, and our pretty is their ugly. If that’s the case, then I apologise for being an ‘alternative’ not willing to accept mainstream opinion.
And to make it up to you, I present to you YOUR most beautiful woman in the world.

Don’t complain. You asked for it.


83 Replies to “Wallpapers By kennysia.com”

  1. 2nd!!!
    I should put up a picture of a girl I really think is pretty but she’ll probably kill me and I’ll never
    see her again.

  2. The return of the amazing human walrus! I agree with you, Kenny. I’m starting to get a bad taste in my mouth because for many male humans that I know, it’s almost 95% about looks, 4.5% about submissivity and maybe some interest in intelligence / wittiness / conversation in the remaining 0.5%.

  3. I totally agree with you Kenny!! I don’t think there’s a time in my 25 years of existence where I’ve not come across someone or somebody saying something about how I look. It’s sick. Funny thing is, this happens more rampantly in Asia.
    Back in Melbourne when I was studying, nobody cared how I looked or dressed when I went to Uni. Over here (KL), it’s like a bloody beauty pageant just walking in KLCC. Going to work leaves me with no peace too as the people/society around me is so concious and caught up with weight issue that it really makes me sick. In the end, due to ‘pressures from around’ we get caught up in it all and of course, get all worked up and obsessed over our weight/looks. I’ve had my fair share unfortunately 🙁
    Anyway, uhm, why is today “da day”? And uh, what’s with the sheep wallpaper?? Oh btw, your photography skills are awesum!! Love the sunset and boathouse pic

  4. kenny’s right.
    just reading some of the comments (those probably yet to be moderated) in the previous post just pissed me off. the amount of inconsiderate rubbish people can actually say/type. these people shouldn’t even be reading kennysia.com in the first place. degrades the other readers.
    besides…kenny? whatever happened to the third reason?

  5. Kenny, I so agree with you and loved your punchline! You know, I think you don’t get as many b**** comments as Xiaxue coz for one thing, you’re a guy and gals tend to get more b**** comments. Another favour is that you’re so serious in the start while getting your point across, although managing to pepper with a few funny points, but you end with a humongously funny punchline that even the b***** (most of them anyway) forget to criticsize =P. I sssooo do not get why people act so, like what I mentioned in your comments box. People are too much of perfectionists nowadays since the competetion is high (although i find it’s mostly so for asians. i think they can be the most conniving, backstabbing, b***** people ever, compared to other b***** i mean. people who read this comment…well, i’m asian too so i’m not just any old how saying this as i recently migrated to perth) p.s. random comment: Unconsciously, most women (I’m not sure if the same is true for men) find male versions of themselves (not in colouring but in the stucturing of the face) more attractive. It’s a scientific fact. p.p.s. love your pictures and I too have that camera =P sweet and sour dayz!

  6. I was once shallow too, but an incident opened my eyes 10 years ago when one of my friend (who was in fact a male model for a fashion design house) married his wife. He had a body of a greek god while, she…let’s just say she is very healthy. But what really enlightened me was how in love he was with her and I finally got to know why….she has an electrifying personality that can but a big smile on your face. I believe character and personality should play the pivotal part in the context of beauty.

  7. p.p.p.s. I have to say that I find Carrie is ssssooo much hotter than pretty, sweet-looking Ericka. Although you and Ericka still look like a perfect cutesy couple =P wahaha.

  8. Wow! Makes me want to put up my own desktop wallpapers! lol.
    The boathouse is definitely one of my favourites. A lot of wedding couples pose on the path leading to it – makes me wonder… aren’t they afraid that the wind my blow them over????

  9. cooL pics~ think digital SLRs etc are over rated.. keke.. =n.n=
    as for beauty mmm… confidence shine through everything ba.. 😉

  10. Dude…. the girls you put up are hot. Like your friend. But, i have to agree that sometimes girls’ appearance are never enough for some guys.

  11. In my opinion, I think beauty is a term where there is various definitions depending on that paricular person’s meaning of beauty or perhaps something that appeals to that individual.

  12. The FHM cover girl’s thighs looks scary… I agree with Sheila that things are more rampant in Asia. There’s never a time when meeting relatives that they won’t say :”Aiya, long time no see grow fat liao ah! Didn’t diet meh?” I become fat my business lah! Sheesh…
    Btw, SLRs/DSLRs are not overated. There are situations where a point and shoot just won’t suffice. A photography enthusiast would know which, I can type them out but I’m too lazy ngeheheh.
    PS: What is the smudged part in Furong jie jie’s pic?

  13. Hehe … Courtney love looks bad there.
    Carrie is pretty. Emma and Ericka are pretty too … 😀 Whoever who has said otherwise … Hmm, Jealousy, perhaps?

  14. Great photos Kenny…
    I like the Singapore sling one.
    Carrie is cute.. I like how she looks very natural. LOVE it when a chic can look decent without too much make up on…
    Yeah…the whole world has been brain washed by beauty magazines and air-brushed photographs of models..
    RARELY do you see celebrities in real life looking as good as they do in published photographs of themselves. Its all make-up and air brushing skills lar!
    Granted a LOT of them ARE naturally beautiful..
    even Bobbi Brown… the make-up Guru says that its all a bit too much.. the whole image thing…
    Also another SIMPLE reason is that different people have different perspectives of what beauty is.. 🙂
    One man’s meat is anothers poison.
    Oh, and you made my day 😉 Hahah.. women love being right you knw?!
    Try tellng your girl friend that after you fight one day…
    Just say “Honey, I’m sorry.. you were right” and youll be back in the good books. as simple as that… 😉

  15. Whatever happened to people actually liking other people’s character, instead of whether they’re hot, media standards, or not. You know, for who people are on the inside. I mean, you’re like, “Whatever happened to descriptions like ‘reasonably pretty’ or ‘average’ or even ‘mediocre’?” But I’m like, fuck those words, you don’t measure people like that. Not a flame, just a pretty riled up opinion.

  16. Amazing wallpapers…With your great eye for scenic spots (if I wrote, beauty, it will become a hotly contested point again), You could even turn professional. 🙂

  17. Thank you Kenny for putting up the larger version of the Singapore Sling! 🙂
    The first time I saw it, I already wanted to use it as a wallpaper but the quality was too low. I like my wallpaper now :p

  18. Am just wondering why people use Cannon, Nikon, Olympus etc when Kodak, besides being the simplist to operate cud produce v gd pics. Am using a Kodak as well, albeit a 5 megapics one. Most people cow to brand and v few believe in simplicity. Similarly one can never understand why Prince Charles irk Diana and prefer to wrap Camilla. U give me an answer!

  19. i usually stay away from such topics, as beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, as the saying goes…
    Carrie is indeed pretty, and looks like a decent person too – to me anyway… to bad i have no chance with such a nice person – no lah live too far away :p

  20. Loved your comments.
    Nice, subtle way of telling people off. 😛
    It is true that outer beauty is very important to people nowadays. Some even are willing to spend 50% or more of salary on accessories ie, makeup, handbags, clothes, shoes……
    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think Carrie looks damn nice – very natural. Anyone who says very, very ugly….well that person just doesn’t have good taste but we can’t blame them… having good taste is an ‘inborn’ thing. 😛

  21. We’ve all been blinded by “Perfection” from mags and telly, e.g. Victoria Beckham Skinny Like Stick = “Perfect” – Blek!
    Think society should have a new educative subject in the Core Curriculum, Perfection For The Blind and Brainwashed (PFBB for short).

  22. Thank you for the wallpapers. I like the Boathouse one. Perfect composition :)) And the sky….oooohh. *moans*
    Anyway, carrie is pretty. Period. :))

  23. haha…
    tats so evil shld the gal in e last pic views ur blog…
    haha…but ppl here are so extreme…prob cos they dun ve to be responsible for wat they said here…

  24. I think all girls are pretty in their own ways…..and that personality plays a big part in defining how pretty a girl is. After all what is beauty if it is just a pretty face? When she opens her mouth, you can see how shallow or b***** she is…….

  25. We all just have ridiculous colonial hangovers. We are blindly willing to accept white standards of beauty, large eyes, light skin, straight thin or pert noses, stick thin bodies. Bland features, blatant sexuality, so much so that you can’t even notice it anymore. This angers me a lot. We don’t appreciate natural beauty anymore because we’ve lost our roots and are foundering in a sea of imitation. Sad. Actually, despicable.
    Also, the lack of basic manners on some of these readers’ part is appalling.

  26. furong jie jie is passe alr!! i heard there’s now shui xian 水仙妹妹who’s out to fight for furong jie jie’s status…whahaha

  27. hmmm love the boathouse pic! i like practically next to the foreshore (and thus the boathouse), being a college kid- and so I know how beautiful it can be… no, IS. try the boathouse at sunrise… now that is awesome….

  28. hey, carrie IS cute ay…although i dont agree with your definition of pretty through the past entries ;P
    any chance of getting a 1280×960 version?

  29. But all the girls you say are pretty are slim! They almost have figures that of those on covers of FHM.
    Maybe that’s why ppl don’t say FRJJ looks “okay”. I think her facial features are alright actually. But every one would be too distracted by her blubber I guess.

  30. i love the boathouse!! And i live right opposite it too! 🙂 It always feels nice and fuzzy to discover that other people appreciate the same random, quirky little piece of architecture as you..i think the boathouse is practically a metaphor for Perth’s cultural scape!wonder who it belongs to…

  31. awesome pics Kenny. i’m sure some of us could use some pic-taking tips, especially for people like me with an awfully-similiar-sounding 3Mpixel kodak, who takes awfully-un-similar-looking pictures.
    by the way, good to see you standing your ground.

  32. Hey,
    Nice pics Kenny… actually not just nice, they are awesome! 🙂
    My camera can’t seem to capture pictures at night nicely at all, the background’s always a blur. Which model do you use?

  33. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  34. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  35. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  36. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  37. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  38. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  39. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  40. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  41. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  42. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  43. If the whole wide world thinks that a particular person is beautiful, then everyone will need to compete for her? But if people has two opinions, then there is hope for everyone. It’s all about the individuals, or else it would be unbalance and it’s like the Ying without the Yang. Everyone is beautiful and handsome in the eyes of the person who sees it.

  44. Ericka and Emma, hmm…there are moderate lor. Not very pretty but not ugly for sure. I think these ppl are just so JEALOUS for these two young and lovely ladies…or maybe they are jealous of you?

  45. i will use the last pic as my desktop wallpaper from now on. reason = to keep my male friends away from using my PC. works better than a talisman against demons

  46. i will use the last pic as my desktop wallpaper from now on. reason = to keep my male friends away from using my PC. works better than a talisman against demons

  47. aiyo…who is the last girl pic that you put.. pity her 🙁 like that as though you indirectly classify her as not pretty 🙁

  48. heythat first asian girl was REALLY pretty!!! why would anyone say shes ugly?? ugliness isnt on the outside like beauty can be ug;iness can only be found on the inside of someone even if their outside appearance may be classed as ‘beauty.’ yuck seriously would you rather be in the presense of someone who has a negative aura or a positive one?? great site!!

  49. I was just going through the archives, and I definitely agree Carrie is pretty. I actually thought it was a wallpaper… Oopsss.

  50. hey m jst flaterrd lukn at ur pics kenny……m speechless n dnt hav words to describe it especially dat house on watr it gave me a peculiar peace.keep up d good work m ur fan nw.plz do reply me

  51. Of the 3, Carrie was the only one who looked wholesome and naturally pretty. Well, to me, anyway. And I’ve yet to see any negative comments on her in this post (compared to the other 2 who got alot)
    Yea, different ppl hv differing opinions yadda yadda yadda…
    But I kinda agree with what Hedo said…IMO, Emma looks like a normal average to below average gal on the street..nothing special…& besides, she has too much makeup on her face =P
    And Ericka looks like an Asian version of Courtney Love…or mayb its jz coz I don’t like that annoying expression on her face in every pic…hmmm..

  52. Of the 3, Carrie was the only one who looked wholesome and naturally pretty. Well, to me, anyway. And I’ve yet to see any negative comments on her in this post (compared to the other 2 who got alot)
    Yea, different ppl hv differing opinions yadda yadda yadda…
    But I kinda agree with what Hedo said…IMO, Emma looks like a normal average to below average gal on the street..nothing special…& besides, she has too much makeup on her face =P
    And Ericka looks like an Asian version of Courtney Love…or mayb its jz coz I don’t like that annoying expression on her face in every pic…hmmm..

  53. Of the 3, Carrie was the only one who looked wholesome and naturally pretty. Well, to me, anyway. And I’ve yet to see any negative comments on her in this post (compared to the other 2 who got alot)
    Yea, different ppl hv differing opinions yadda yadda yadda…
    But I kinda agree with what Hedo said…IMO, Emma looks like a normal average to below average gal on the street..nothing special…& besides, she has too much makeup on her face =P
    And Ericka looks like an Asian version of Courtney Love…or mayb its jz coz I don’t like that annoying expression on her face in every pic…hmmm..

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