Is Four Years Old

Four years ago, I started this blog.

And so many things have happened over those four years! I have moved to a new country, changed career paths, been through two relationships, became an uncle four times, and still I am blogging!

Thank you for staying with me through thick and thin.

If this is your first time here since last week, you may have noticed also that my website may have looked a little different.


Yes, I have completely overhauled my blog layout. The old layout was a classic and I loved it. But I must admit I never put much effort into designing it. Basically, I whipped up that one up within half a day because I was desperate to start blogging four years ago. And it never really changed much since.

To me, the classic was a easy on the eye and it stood well against the test of time. I designed it to fit well on a small screen because back then, most people’s computer monitors were 15 inches.

But, as with all things measured using “inches”, bigger usually means better.

Eventually people’s computer screens grew wider and wider, and subsequently my blog became narrower and narrower. Before I knew it, on a 24 inch monitor was looking slimmer than Kate Moss on a diet.

Too bad Kenny Sia remained fat. 🙁

In any case, it’s time to change the layout. First thing I did was to I shifted to a wider layout whilst still keeping most of what I love about the old intact. Hopefully you like the new look.

If not, then please get used to it ‘cos I ain’t changing it! 😛

On every anniversary, one thing I always enjoy is to take a walk down memory lane and look back some of my most memorable entries of the past year.

Without a doubt, with 2008 being a red hot election year, a lot of my entries were skewed towards Malaysian politics.

And why not? So many funny things happen when the election time is near. Like the suggestion by certain people to hire Mat Rempits to transport senior citizens to voting booths.

One of my favourite entries this year was definitely the Who-To-Vote-This-Election Decision Generator.

It was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek view of the issues brought up around the time of the elections, but that little program of mine has received so much attention that even Channel News Asia interviewed me about it.

I am never a political activist like RPK or Jeff Ooi, but I had good intentions to inform and educate. I want people to know who they’re voting for instead of just voting blindly. So a week before polling day, I took the initiative to have face-to-face interviews both the Barisan Nasional and DAP candidates for Bandar Kuching.

But the internet being the internet, what resulted instead was an uncivilised flame war targeting mostly towards the BN candidate. Poor guy.

It is shameful and disgusting that these people are using the internet to spread hate, when it is originally intended for porn.

Of course, after the elections, even more funny things happened.

Like how almost every single Malaysian politician suddenly decided to embrace the internet and hop on the blogging bandwagon.

Or how our Information Minister suddenly think it’s a good idea to export Malaysian-made TV shows to Korea.

Or how Sarawak failed to give us Datuk Jessica Alba.

Of course, who could’ve forgotten that legendary Ahmad Ismail, who created outbursts after outbursts. First by claiming Malaysian Chinese are immigrants, and then by having one of his supporters completely destroy the picture of his former chief minister.

Politics in Malaysia is so wickedly entertaining.

Certainly, by no means do all of these entries mean that I don’t like Malaysia. Because despite all the quirks that this country have, it is still home.

And that’s the reason why I published my post What Makes a Malaysian a Malaysian on Merdeka Day.

I think I must have created a history of sorts when a reader of mine requested me to propose to his girlfriend through my blog.

I normally do not entertain strange requests by strangers. But this one, I have no heart to turn down. Fiona accepted Gavin’s proposal on the 12th May, and they now live happily ever after.

Shrek is heartbroken.

I didn’t do as many pranks or parodies as I did in previous years. But one of my favourites this past year has gotta be when I invaded McDonald’s wearing a Saddam Hussein mask.

I think we scared the crap out of everybody that night and everyone had a big laugh over the range of facial expressions we saw. Waste of time? Yes. But damn, it was well worth it. 😉


In amongst all these favourites, there were numerous snippets of life, event coverage, reviews, travel logs and advertorials. One common cha
racteristic very obvious from my entries this past year was that I made very little mention of my personal life on my blog.

Despite starting out as a personal blog, I’ve always made a conscious effort not to write too much about three topics in particular: my family, my work and my relationship. It was a deliberate choice I made back in 2006 when I got into trouble with both my loved ones and my readers several times over the contents of my blog.

The most common advice I got from readers back then were “with great power comes great responsibility.” Therefore, do not write anything about the people you encounter in your life or else you could bring them trouble. My family also has never been overly supportive of my blog, let alone me writing anything personal on my blog at all.

So gradually was converted from a personal blog to one you see today that is more magazine-styled, more lifestyle-oriented, focusing less on myself and more on political humour, the events I attended and the places I travelled to.


Doing so however, de-humanizes this blog. I made lost so much of a personal touch. So much so that these days, I get the feeling somewhat that I wasn’t quite treated as a human being anymore.

Instead, I am like this machine that is supposed to entertain everyday, tell jokes and make people laugh. I was told that I deserve to be judged, I deserve to be ridiculed and I have no right to defend. Also I’m not supposed to write any ads, because machines don’t write ads. And if I’m not doing a good job, then I deserve to be scolded and ridiculed.

Suddenly, all normal human compassion and courtesy for me are thrown out the window. no longer felt like mine. It felt like a property of others.

For a moment, I felt like following KinkyBlueFairy‘s footsteps and close off comments. But I do know a lot of people who enjoy reading comments. So why punish the masses for the treacheries of a few?

Well, I’m ready to experiment re-introducing my more personal and emotional entries back to my blog. In due time, I hope to be more open regarding matters of my personal life. Hopefully doing so will humanize me. If I succeed, then at least I know there is still good in people. But if being open about my personal life will subject me to even more exploitation and judgment, then I’ll know when to give up hope and stop.

Besides, I am hopelessly incapable to telling jokes these days. I haven’t been smiling myself for such a long time. If I ain’t happy myself, I don’t even know how the heck I am supposed to make people laugh.

The most comment I have ever received in a blog entry this past year was 742.


Unfortunately, it was on an April’s Fool prank I played on the readers. 😉

Announcing to quit blogging was one of the oldest April’s fool tricks in the book and I never expected so many people to fall for it. But many did, and although I wasn’t being serious, I am touched that many readers showed genuine concern.

On a more serious note though, quitting blogging isn’t something entirely out of my agenda. 

In two, maybe three years time I think I will stop blogging as regularly as I do now. As I grow older, other priorities in life will eventually take over and I will update less. As long as blogging remains fun, I shall sit and enjoy the ride.

Besides I still have lots of ideas in my head waiting to put into writing, so there’s a bit more gas in the tank to last a while. 🙂

If not then, well, there’s always that Year End Sales at Nirvana to look forward to!

For years, I have been using w.bloggar to update my blog offline. It’s raw text HTML style coding with a clunky image upload tool. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. And then, I discovered Windows Live Writer, which completely blew me away with how easy it is to put together a blog post. The enhancing and watermarking of the photos, which normally took the longest time, now take nothing more than just a few clicks.

93 Replies to “ Is Four Years Old”

  1. hey Kenny. I was really a pleasure going though your blog for the past four year. Entertaining, humourous and straight to the point entries. I really enjoyed all of it. Keep up the good work Kenny

  2. That is cool, i like your blog posts and reading your blog since 2 years back. But still Kenny the new design look suck! As on last post if you need my help i can do the header for u:)

  3. Great. Keep the good work up. Ur blog is still very human compared to some. No worries.
    U should know:
    “Only human can tell stories.”
    And i think you are a stories teller.

  4. Glad that you’re considering about being “personal” again. No doubt your postings are generally entertaining, but at the same time, I felt like it’s an advert blog more than anything else. It makes me feel like i’m reading the male version of Cleo/Cosmo online. I will be very glad to see a change (even the slightest will do) in your blog’s direction with stories that will make a lot of people echoe (eg, ur recent break up). All da best dude!

  5. Just added a column..still simple and delicate – tahan guna pun!!
    Some people just think they are too good to comment about fact they duno what is really going on.
    Just wish you all the best!!
    Even if you not updating that much…i believe you have been doing a great job edi!!

  6. being treated less human eh? i guess that’s right, and like you said, dont let those little idiots get into the way to what you’re gona write in your blog, its not like their paying you any money to begin with and dont like you ’emo-ing’..simple..just dont read your blog anymore..dont let the trolls hurt you! be strong kenny 😉

  7. Glad you chose to give some personal touch. But I hope it will never be like a boring-useless-reality tv kinda blog.
    It is your responsibility to make us laugh! Hahaha… Keep producing creative funny blog post.

  8. I think your new layout looks fab. simple and sophisticated. =)personal touches give a more human feel to blogging – i personally prefer to read about more human communication/insights over the usual magazine humour fare.
    Cheer up Kenny, it’s been only a few days from the start of 2009. Don’t give up on it yet.

  9. kenny some of ur old posts seems to hav a link problem, or is it meant to be that way?
    anyway happy new yr, and to a good 2009 ahead

  10. 4 years ago, kenny sia started blogging.
    4 years ago, I started blogging too.
    While Kenny Sia shot to stardom,
    I shot to boredom.
    Kenny Sia had a dotcom,
    while I switched only from an MSN group –> Friendster blog –> blogspot.
    It must have been a life-changing experience to be in the limelight. But life is all about give and take. U give I take.. hehe..
    Happy anniversary then. 😛

  11. Enlightenment. I guess it’s just a phase of life one goes through. I used to blog actively in my uni years but since graduation, the many blogs I started have never seen full moon. Guess, I’m past the blogging period.
    If creating awareness is one of your reason for keeping the blog, then it’s very commendable. Indeed not many are as vocal as you are, nor as brave. Right now, your blog is one of the few that gives an honest insight into issues within the region and many readers (or maybe just me) are exposed to national and international news from
    Nothing we do in life will be able to please everybody, so there are always haters around – real life or virtual. Ultimately, we are accountable for our own doings so as long as we are true to our conscience, no one can dictate our lives unless we allow them to.
    Whether or not things should be more personal, perhaps it’s good to seek permission first before writing about close friends / family. Otherwise, use pseudonyms.
    It’s your blog. People read at their own risks. You are not paid to make them happy. You pay for your blog to express yourself. You only live once, live it to the fullest. Re-align your priorities, focus on them. As for laughters, read some comics:
    Viva Kenny Sia 🙂

  12. Great job Kenny.
    I’ve known about your blog 2 or 3 years ago,
    but just join the reader group end of last year
    and I enjoyed that very much..
    Thank you for whatever you’ve done,
    I do think that if blogging about personal stuff is what you wish to, just do it then!
    all the best!

  13. It’s been a great 4 years, Kenny. Never looked back or had any regrets since the day I bookmarked your blog.
    Guess you had a tough start to the new year but I hope things get better for you along the way. So keep doing what you do best, coconuts man! 🙂

  14. happie anniversary kenny!
    u hav been doing a great job so far & i hav faith in u that u will continue to shine.^^ people love bacause its kenny! its still u dat we read everyday rite? ^^ so keep it up! *pat on the back*

  15. I hope you keep up the good work. I reckon you are doing a wonderful job of blogging all these years. I enjoyed reading it. I look forward to the change in writing style!

  16. hey there kenny.
    yeah it was a pleasure to read your blog.
    and though the comments are only a few,i bet there are hundreds or maybe thousands of readers out there who read your posts but didnt leave a mark.
    like your neat text and picture arrangements too.
    so, i think it’s better not to make any changes and just keep it as the way it is.

  17. keep it up kenny. blog more. though i do criticize and compliment u at the same time. but i do enjoy reading ur blog! all the best fatty!=D

  18. Blog reaching puberty huh? Haha.(not an insult) Yea u do wut u want. Fuck what the others think. Your blog is unique. Diff from others that I’ve seen, very unpredictable and I really enjoy reading it. I’ll continue reading until u decide to stop. Happy new year!
    Fuck those over-sensitive readers. I like this post, and all your other posts. Never fails to amuse me and lets me kill time. Hi-5, sexy!(posted the same thing in an old post unintentionally but then I moved it here now haha)

  19. yo bro
    c’mon,even someone like obama who seems so popular got people hate him everywhere ma.chill.
    and can always come up with another blog ma,this one for the so-called ala-ala magazine and another blog for ur me,:).though nobody reads mine like urs.
    but really,don’t carela bro what people say.Ur blog is the best!fun reading it!
    Don’t bagi malu orang Sarawak bro!u can do it! 🙂

  20. there’s definitely a reason why u are the famous blogger in malaysia. because u did a good job blogging! Keep up the good work and i hope u won’t quit blogging… i enjoyed reading it… in fact i started blogging partly because of your influence…
    Long live

  21. Hey Kenny,
    Love the new header and design… It’s refreshing. A bit different to the last one with one section, but still good.
    I think, at the end of the day, design isn’t as much of a concern, as long as you got some great stuff to write, which you do, people will refer.
    Anyways, keep up the blogging! 🙂
    Good work 🙂

  22. Like this entry 🙂
    I guess, ultimately, it’s your blog…so blog away what you want…
    if they hate you but they can take the effort to come and check your blog regularly and to leave hate comments regularly too…then…well, kinda hypocritical right? 0.o
    Cheers to a good year k! Hope you find your smile back soon!

  23. Hey Kenny, been a silent reader all these years. You know what? Just blog whatever you wanna blog about. Being emo about certain stuffs does not make you less human or less perfect okay! Keep up the good work 🙂

  24. hi kenny,
    happy 4th year anniversary for your blog..i like the new design layout. it is much more broader than the previous one (classic)
    keep it up the good drop by recently launched love blog – Cupid Blogger Dot Com

  25. happy 4th anniversary…
    but not being able to blog more of your private life kinda made this blog more of an online mag…
    but then again, to suffer all the repercussion of over-exposing your private life may be just as dreaded.
    ever thought of keeping a secret blog?

  26. Maybe now the layout’s wide enough for you to finally post a real picture of your coconuts? 😛
    Congrats on the new look; it’s much kinder on the eyes. Here’s your bouquet.

  27. rock on Kenny!
    screw the jerks who need to hide behind their screens to post hate comments, they’re not worth it
    one of your loyal readers here

  28. You cannot behave like a big fat CAT all the time. Sometimes you gotta bite back like a big fat DOG you know?
    You owe that to ALL your readers.

  29. i think u’re wrong about everyone getting bigger screens, kenny. we students prefer small laptops. and we’re buying smaller and smaller lappies. hmmm so most prob most of the students like me will not prefer your new layout. hiaks.

  30. If you choose to stop blogging, its your choice. I mean, if you didn’t respond to your family not being overly supportive by quitting, there’s no reason to let cyberspace over-rule your decision to stop blogging altogether.
    As for lifeless losers who think posting hate comments is fun, don’t blame them, lah. They’re probably just hormally challenged adolescents who feel the need to stand out.
    I mean, you wouldn’t pay much attention to them if they post another “OMG KENNY I LUV U U R SO AMAZING HAHAHAHA U R SO FUNIIIIIE!!!!” comment, right?
    So… their twisted brains gave them a brilliant idea.
    “Bash Kenny, and he will dedicate a few lines to us.”
    So these people are probably desperate for your attention! Wahhh…
    Of course, they are probably some people whose brains can’t process humor. But that’s their loss, not yours.
    So… Stop being so hung up over what your haters say. Instead, focus on those “HEEE HEEE HEEE HEEEEE I’M FIRST” comments.
    Because they’re seriously funiiiiiiie!

  31. yay! the return of (old) kenny sia(o)? LOL!!! *PEACE!*:)
    anyway, nice template!:)
    and T.T i will really miss if you ever stop blogging.
    your blog doesnt really dehumanize you! why? –> there are readers like me who just love to kaypoh and got nothing better else to do than stalking kenny sia! LOL! :DDDDD
    HAPPY 4th anniversary!:D

  32. here’s the thing. this is your blog, your space.. you can write anything you want. why bother what others think about it.. be yourself, that is what makes you famous.

  33. Hello Kenny! Everyone entitled to express their feelings on their own blogs and so do you. I always treat people’s blogs as their diary, their personal life’s bits and pieces of news.
    Of course, some might flame throwed you in your blog. some people even gave opinion before they understand the whole situation(or read the whole blog entry). But heck, that is part and parcels of writing a blog, and this statement even relevant in real life too!
    So don’t you worry too much about that, and glad that you are immuned to those haters’ comments. You are able to see the bigger picture afterall. Haha!
    Anyway, enough bulls from me. Congrats on making it through the 4rd year! Keep it coming! ( the blog entries I mean, NOT CUM. LOL!)

  34. Your blog technically is never the property of others but since we being human beings tends to judge. If you act the way you do and talk the way you do, you will be judge by that and nothing more. Most people don’t see beyond, just on the surface and they also seldom or never care.
    People blog for many reasons. Some take it as a personal journal while others use it just to make money and to gain attention. I am not sure what your motives are nor do I want to speculate about it. Reading about what you have written does bring about a question. Why not stop blogging? Its not like you have a obligation to any of the readers. Or, why not have a more private blog where you only share with close friends? Won’t that make it personal again?

  35. hi , kenny. not sure wheter u reading this, but anyway happy birthday to ya blog, too bad cant manage to bake u a cake for ur blog , haha! anyway happy new year and its always a pleasure to vist ya page……

  36. how come the rss feed for your blog is not working for me? it hasn’t updated at all after ‘closed for renovation’

  37. Oops… I left a comment in the wrong section.
    Anyway, just wanted to say that it’s really great you decided to include more personal touches in your blog. I really look forward to reading it.
    I’ve been blogging since 1999, and the only thing I’ve finally learned is, I blog what I want, and that’s what makes me happy. Dumb stuff, un-intellectual stuff. If I want to blog about eating food off the floor, I WILL DO IT.
    You’ll always want to write, and to reflect. Life without the finger quivering in excitement, hovering titillatingly over the “post” button, so to speak, would be very different.
    On the other hand, being fairly unknown, none of my writing will have repercussions as serious as yours. 🙂

  38. LOL this layout didnt change much just that the top looks a tad nicer. i had to compare a few times to see the diff T.T

  39. glad to hear that you’ll be writing more on ur personal life again…i miss reading about u, about Kenny Sia’s story…it is so true when u said that ur blog has lost the kind of personal touch. It has been replaced by a bunch of overly-expensive-food-review (not criticizing, I still love
    Happy New Year, Kenny!

  40. Dear Kenny,
    You’ve really been going thru a lil bit of shit haven’t u. Being personal in your blog is not gonna rectify your shit situation Kenny because it is exactly for the hypocrite u are that people don’t really like u very much. You planning on writing emo, heart felt posts after this ppl will go..Awww look at this sweet Kenny boy. Come on, this is gonna have a serious backlash on you.I think ur trying too hard to make people like you Kenny. Why the heck do u bother? This is life man…there’ll be a whole bunch of ppl who don’t like us..u wanna please everyone ah?
    People will nit stop not liking you because:
    1. You’re a tad famous and guys especially hate that. Guys with their huge inflated ego’s can’t stand seeing another man being the top gun. So they will wanna tear u down dude. There’s nothing u can do which will change their mind. You get benefits for being famous. This is one of the down sides.
    2. Women will have issues with you due to you alleged womanizing. Generally, all women fear their man will cheat so a girl that has been cheated on will get the sympathy of the whole gender and u will be the villain. Regardless if this accusation is true or not, a woman will ASSUME it to be true and side the woman scorned. All the pics of u gallivanting around the globe with all your pretty lady friends and the fact that not once did u ever mention your gf (nevermind if u did not want to name her, but u didn’t even acknowledge being in a rltnship)leads many to believe the accusations.
    Kenny, don’t get me wrong… I think you’re a guy who’s just trying to live your life. However u choose to live it is yours and yours alone. You’ve made a pretty darn good life for yourself and u seem to be heading on a road to success. Your personal choices should not be critisized but you blog choices is up for criticism.
    It’s very hard for u to try and portray yourself to be someone u are not when many people know you and the things u do or have done. It’s hard for u to spew things on your blog that many people KNOW are untrue/embellished. So just stop doing this la Kenny.
    The way to gain integrity is to firstly stop the hypocrisy.If u are true to the person that u are and make no excuses for the choices u have made or actions u have taken then there leaves no room for criticism on your professionalism.

  41. Kenny,
    I think you should just open up a Magazine company, and call it KennySia’s Magazine.
    then put in all the interesting articles and jokes and etc…
    and maybe sell for like RM1 each.
    and then many companies will advertise inside.
    and you have got a real good business running 🙂

  42. Hi Kenny, this is my first comment I have ever posted on your blog. I have been a loyal reader of yours starting from 2 years ago.
    I am a Malaysian too and am currently in New Zealand. I was a stressed, homesick and depressed student then. Your blog entries made a difference and I think that you are a very genuine person.
    You should be yourself, write what you want and don’t change for others. It’s definitely difficult at times as there’s a thin line to it and it’s not so easy to ignore the majority/others. Anyway I hope you’ll find happiness and peace in 2009. Good luck to a brand new start

  43. Not that I am against you blogging about your personal life, which actually a lot of readers out here will be glad to see a glimpse of how “kennysia” IS in reality.
    But, be careful k? Not every single reader has your best interests at heart, nor a saint.

  44. Hey Kenny, long time reader but first comment – I know exactly how you feel in this post, cos I run a blog of my own (nowhere near as big as yours, though). So I just wanna say keep it up – do whatever you want, you know there will be loyal supporters.
    Screw the haters; no matter what you do or how careful you are there will always be haters. Unless you really did something wrong, it’s their own demons and BS, not you.
    Keep it up man! Woo!

  45. Hi Kenny, my name is Samantha and I’m from Kch but live Melb. I don’t like to use “I think you should” sentence but I still think you should do whatever you want with your own website. After all, it IS “”. Life is too short trying to impress everyone. Do whatever you want to do with YOUR website as long as it makes you smile again. If ppl don’t like it, they can always find something else on the net that they’ll like. I’m sick enough living life trying to impress everyone and getting myself miserable. So… jia you!! Miss kolomee so much!! ;p

  46. haha~~~Kenny!!! I new in here!!!
    I think I am the last person view this post!! haha~~~
    from the top blog that is fully fun…however, in the last….i feel u have a down in carry out this blog…..anyway…i think u already recover the energy to continue this blog!! haha!!!! We alway will support u!!

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