Best of Kuching Series

Having returned to Kuching for almost one full year, I thought it might be a good idea to jot down some of my favourite haunts in Kuching.
Best Bar
BarZing, Travilion

BarZing @ Travilion Mall

BarZing is the best bar in Kuching for it’s nice atmosphere, affordable drinks and especially those REALLY REALLY REALLY hot barmaids. Their music could do with a little bit of improvement though – they have the habit of playing ‘My Humps’ more than 3 times a night.

Senso @ Hilton Hotel

If you got serious cash to burn and a credit card with no limit, the exclusive Senso @ Hilton is also worth checking out.

Best Hair Salon
Inspiration Alan Salon, Hock Lee Centre

I’m kinda tempted to put Swee Mei‘s cheap RM8 haircut. πŸ˜‰

But I gotta be honest. Despite one of their junior staff throwing a hissy fit over the review I wrote about them last year, I still think Alan Salon is the best hair salon in town. From RM25 for a wash & cut, Alan Salon’s hairstylists are a cut above many other expensive hair salons, without the hefty price tags.

Best Orh Jien (Oyster Omelette)
Ocean King, off Persiaran Ban Hock

Kuching Orh Jien is unlike any other Orh Jien. Ours are made like a pizza with a crispy omelette base topped with cooked oysters garnished with coriander leaves, usually served with some specially-made salty soy sauce.
When it comes to the freshest oysters on the crispiest omelette bases in Kuching, Ocean King’s Orh Jien takes the big prize, hands down.

Best New Age Restaurant
Bla Bla Bla…, next to Ting & Ting’s at the Jalan Tabuan Roundabout

Bla Bla Bla…

There’s a lot of losers opportunists out there who jumped in on the whole Zen-insired theme after Bing’s runaway success a few years back. In reality only a handful did it right. Of those, Jambu (Jalan Central Barat) is best for chilling out. Magenta (Jalan Nanas) serves the most delicious Nyonya food in town.


For the best of both worlds and more, go Bla Bla Bla… Bizarre name for a restaurant, but great food, great ambience, great everything.

Best New Drink
Iced Milo Dinosaur

I predict this drink is gonna take Kuching cafes by the storm the same way Three-Layered Teh-C-Peng did a few years ago. This is standard Milo, blended with ice, topped with a generous tinful of Milo powder.

Original is best, and the original Iced Milo Dinosaur can be found at Mambo King @ Travilion.

Best Kolo Mee
KY Cafe, Jalan Sekama

Legendary Kuching kolo mee with char sio yew made by the three easily-recognised owners (the fat, the tall and the old). Their kolo mee is so sinfully yummiliciously oily, you’ll wonder if they secretly added KY Jelly to lubricate it.

Have a bite.

Best Sarawak Laksa
Madam Tang’s, Jalan Petanak

Madam Tang’s RM10 Special Sarawak Laksa

RM10 gets you one huge bowl of Sarawak Laksa with prawns the size of baby dragons. Not too spicy, not too sweet – in fact, it’s just perfect. And I’m salivating just thinking about it right now.

Madam Tang’s Gubak Mee

Madam Tang’s also serves one of the best Gubak Mee (Beef noodles) in town.

Best Coffee
Bing Coffee Company, Jalan Padungan

My biggest worry before I came back was how the caffeine addict in me is gonna survive after being spoilt for choices at coffee-happy Australia. Bing is like a god-sent for me.

Using only Illy Coffee (best beans in the world), our homegrown coffee house kicked those franchise brands’ arses so hard, their competitors had to eat dinner standing up for the rest of their lives.

Best Cakes
Tom’s, Jalan Padungan

Words cannot describe how heavenly these cheesecakes are.

Their Double Choc Praline at RM8.95 per piece is simply superb. Just imagine this sweet luscious baby melting in your mouth, right now.

Of course, these are just my personal favourites. And no, no one paid me to do this.
Hmmm… I think I should start a meme. πŸ™‚ Where are the best places to eat, drink and play in YOUR home town?

Quote of the Week: “I’d tell you to go f*ck yourself, but I try not to encourage bestiality.”
(Lainie Yeoh, to her close friend’s bastard of a boyfriend)

147 Replies to “Best of Kuching Series”

  1. hahaha i do have to admit that the food do look really delicious…hmmm got fight with my island home
    n hey kenny ur new hair style is good…

  2. why i dont see these places when im there on holiday?I’d tried the orh jien at the Beach Seafood Restaurant but still prefer Malacca orh jien..hehe.

  3. Whether good or bad, its up to each individual’s taste and likings. What’s good to you may not be good to others…
    The double Choc Praline looks yummy! Feel like biting into it!! πŸ™‚

  4. Last time I went to Kuching and one word to describe it – boring. There’s no entertainment there, just like dull Miri. But there’s this very delicious zhong zhi in Kuching. Its content is mashed red bean (dou sha) I think. Still Kuching’s okay. =)

  5. yeah…kuching is the place to be for food though kolo mee has gone up 30 cents i think…haha..its good that you’re putting this up dude, at least fellas from semenanjung get to see that we don’t use a long boat from the airport to get to our hometown, we’ve got more s-class mercs around kuching than boats…i’m proud of my hometown and, yeah, thanks for showing kuching to the rest of the world (most probably singaporeans and west malaysians)

  6. Now that i’m away from KL..there’s so much food that i name a few : litle penang laksa, chilli pan mee, ritz carlton dim sum, jln alor ikan bakar, kampachi jap food…..u make me miss home now!

  7. Now I recall the owner of three who selling kolomee. Most of us call them uniform kolomee, because they are the only one in town wearing same t-shirt like factory worker.

  8. Way to go man. Those are places i would chill out and have great food too. Not to forget Open air gubak mee, sio bee, and ice kacang, petanak and topspot for cheap and nice seafood, kenyalang market etc..

  9. eee..i tot the best laksa was beside the indian temple eh? Near upwell one..OR at Fat Cat cafe at tabuan laru…droolzzzz wei…have been sick for week and want to eat laksa once i recover πŸ˜›

  10. i am so hungry looking at the prawns and readin the “orh jien” description…
    *mia sings*
    Fly me to kuching and let me feast like a queen,
    Let me taste the orh jien,laksa,gu bak kolo mee.
    In other words, eat all that,
    In other words, make me fat.

  11. i nvr reali had a ‘hometown’ cos i nvr stayed at one place long..
    born in penang.. thn jakarta, thn melaka, thn johor, thn alor setar, thn jakarta, thn johor, thn singapore..
    so how? πŸ™ but i stil think msian food, anywhere, is the best. πŸ™‚

  12. Thanks, Kenny. I think I’ll consider having a vacation in Kuching.
    Mmm…. I really wanna try the Illy coffee that U mentioned. I’m a “desperate coffee addict”.
    By the way, where is your “desperate addict” ??

  13. Hey, you speak my language!! now I know where to get the best cuppa java in town when I go to Kuching. I’d love to hang out with you. πŸ˜‰

  14. Your Kch entries makes me proud to be a Kuchingite, although I must say I’ve never been to most of the places you mentioned, hmm, must make a trip there once I get back, btw, that girl is not Nicole, I know coz she used to be my sch mate

  15. MORE PLEASE!!! :)Those noodles look damn good!!!…The laksa looks very hot though and lots of curry. I prefer those with less spice. πŸ˜€
    More pics of places to eat yea?! πŸ˜€

  16. Ai ya… you forgotten the famous Kuching Kueh Chap, especially the one in Sekama. Just had it just now, my folks tah pau it over for me.. yum yum… the best in Kuching, Malaysia, some say the whole of South East Asia… Don’t pray pray ar..

  17. This is the deal! Kuching food and beverages are tops. Next time, chart from 1-3 for the best food/drink/haircut/hotel/massage/whatever. Let me know if you wanna do a ‘Kuching Best Three’ book/site. Must get commission fee from Sarawak Tourism Board. Sisuahlai has copyrighted the idea, just need more writers/contributors. Anyone?

  18. Hey Dude, thanks for the post…although I just left home 2 weeks ago. Miss the hugh prawn RM7 Kolo Mee at 10th mile..Swee Seng.

  19. that laksa is really tempting man!!!..gonna have laksa for breakie tomorrow….thank you for posting up so many….up.

  20. Ur pics make me miss my kolo mee, laksa, kueh chap, tomato kueh tiao etc….
    My usual haunts for laksa is Golden Arch, kueh chap and kolo mee is 3rd mile night market hawkers.
    Cant wait to go back next week…..

  21. wah!!!!!!!!!!!!
    kenny, suddenly u make me hate u nia!=p jk!
    make me miss all those super-delicious thingys back in kuch! eee….love tat milo dinasaur!!! p.s: isn’t tat valentina?

  22. pls fill in the details of that HOT “ICE MILO” CHICK in this form:

  23. The ice milo and Sarawak laksa looks soo goood.. but man, Rm10 for a bowl of Laksa ?
    i hope they’ll never make giant bowls of kolokmee and sell it for rm 10.

  24. Way to go dude. I’ll be trying out few of those places you recommended when I’m home for the CNY. Gong Xi Gong Xi!

  25. *Drool* the gu bak mee looks great…… and THE CAKE! OMG THE CAKE!!! Good work Kenny, I think this entry will even boost Sarawak tourism…..
    And the girl with the Milo Monster looks delicious too….:P

  26. I just love how the Kolo mee looks..I’ll definately try it once I go to Kuching..
    Speaking of which, Kajang..well is just Kajang.
    Best Food: Haji Samuri’s Kajang Satay
    -What else can you expect? But there’re plenty of Chinese & mamak restaurants popping out everywhere..mmm~Delicious.
    Best coffee: Not a great coffee fan, so it’s a cross between Secret Recipe and Station1 Coffee.
    Best place to play: Well, there’s the snooker place in Kajang town, but the best places to play here are the Cyber cafes! naturally..
    Best hair saloon: There’re a number of ‘professional’ ones coming out, but my personal favourite is the auntie’s corner house in Sungai Chua..Rm 10 for a cut since I was 7!

  27. Crap. I’m supposed to promise my friend to swim over to KK and finally show my face there. Now I’m tempted to actually wriggle over to Kuching instead. If not for the Iced Milo Dino…then for the caaakkkeeeeesss. *drools*.

  28. where is the open air’s gu bak mee and lau ya kein ‘s porridge ( night ) ? still got pork leg rice ei ?
    Anyway , missing all the food in kuching , but i m going back after a week , ^^, cool^^

  29. hi kenny! GONG XI FA CAI in advance.
    Anyways, just wanted to know, did the Milo Peng Dinosaur just debut over there in your hometown? It’s been around in S’pore for ages already.
    It is seri-ously delic man!!!!
    Your pics are drool worthy!

  30. i remember the kolomee in sekama,but i did not have it this time i back to kuching
    becoz i have forgot got this type of place
    you remind me by this post

  31. looking at the photos just make my stomach asking for it….
    cant wait to go back to miri and visit all the food stalls!
    btw.. where is the kolo mee shop, never heard b4, i oways eat at BDC, kings centre, 3rd mile…
    i heard the 3rd mile laksa is best rite? no meh? or is it same “company” ?
    where are the kueh chap and keo chap kueh tiaw (tomato kueh tiaw) ?

  32. Senso & BarZing look so snazzy & posh la wei! it’s high time Kch has more nice places 2 chillout jaw dropped like wat la when i saw those pictures.sum more got laksa & gubak mee pics..darn! laksa at green heights oso best.go go try ppl!
    p/s got ka ppl sell laksa swak in melbourne? or perhaps the paste?

  33. holy crap… its been 4 years since iv been back… and check out all the “westernized” or rather modern stuff in kch wei… last time… su an chicken rice ah… laksa… ky kolo mee and kueh chap… ooo best best!!! couldnt find decent coffee last time i was back tho… gotta try that place out! man, i cant wait for saturday hohohohoho!!

  34. ikea has the best currypuffs.. =) and the best nasi lemak in town is at village park in damansara uptown. its the same row as the old fajar.. and when u stop by there make sure u try the fried chicken. omg.. heaven… and village park has the best toast and the best kedondong juice. =D

  35. hey, the Kolo Mee!!!1 is that not the famous green road kolo mee? (that is all i remember after so many years since i left kuching).
    sounded like many things have changed since years… not a bad thing totally, but sad if old things are gonna be neglected.
    nice post πŸ™‚

  36. Grrrr.. u make mi miss kch like hell !!! bla bla bla – nice environment + food ! barz!ng- used to lepak der every weekend , alan salon – d salon i owes go for hair cut ! , mambo king – i luv d drinks der !!! … oh fck ! i wanna go bak kch as soon as possible !!!!!!!
    btw, where d kch kueh chap !!! ??????

  37. for those sarawakians in staying in kl, if u wan the laksa paste, contact me using msn at tienchai79 at hotmail dot com or in yahoo my id is wklim79
    everytime my parents or relatives comes to kl, i will be given new fresh stock…

  38. Love the atmosphere in BarZing but prefer the nice cocktails in Mojo. And the kolo mee!!! My favourite place to eat kolo mee… Hehe…
    And I didn’t know Petanak got such big prawn laksa. I’m going to try it out. And for coffee there’s actually a new place open called Tao opposite Memories.
    Love this post! It shows how good Kuching is so much that I don’t feel like leaving at all.

  39. Your new hairstyle really make you look good. Keep it that way. The original hairstyle makes you look more mature and old-fashion.
    Btw, what is KY Jelly?

  40. My hometown is the same as your hometown I love some of the places too! I’ve always had seafood at Crowne Square, maybe should start trying orh jien at that place u mentioned.

  41. Have you tried the 5-layer Teh C Peng??
    If not, then must try!!!
    Much nicer than the 3-layer one!
    The extra 2 layers are pandan and cincau.
    Expert Food Court at Jalan Song makes the best!!
    No one is going to pay you but the satisfaction of the drink is good enough. =)

  42. I went to Kuching last christmas and apparently, there was a gangfight at this place with quite afew pubs and restaurants a week ago and a guy got killed. Afterwards, the management put up a banner saying “Peace Be With Us”. Quite amusing.

  43. I really like this post of yours, as I enjoy traveling and exploring stuffs also. One of my fave pastime is to go hunt for good food and best lobang with my kaki…
    We dun really have kolo mee here is sg, but I recently spot a stall in chinatown.
    I wish I have wings and can fly over and try the KY Cafe one…
    The ice milo dinosaur over there is blended one? So cool… We get plain milo-peng with powder on top nia…

  44. Hey Tian Tian, i headed to spore a while back, and yes, spore has VERY GOOD kolo mee! head to the food stalls in Bedok!!! damn good kolo mee there!

  45. Kenny, you gonna bring me to those yummy places when I come back to Kuching! Guess what? I’m eating my lunch and reading your yummy blog right now! You make me miss Kuching food so much! Kuching has changed so much. The new restaurants are very trendy and the food cost is same like Australia.
    ps: Don’t be too naughty ya πŸ˜‰

  46. bla bla bla is the follow up of the junk dude. same tauke if not mistaken. but last time went to the junk, oh man… they need to hire a new chef! waste my time and $$!
    but bla bla bla is really nice.

  47. Kenny, you are seriously one sick bastard. Being stuck in Sydney for longer than I care to say, (due to errr, mortgage, car loan, ridiculous credit card debt), that write up on food is making me very jealous. I crave a real laksa, with lots of seeharm and extra sambal followed by orh chien right about now. Temasek in Parramatta is about the only place that’s got laksa and orh chein that’s close to the real thing. I’ll do just about anything for 1 piece of apum balik with the cruchy peanuts and sugar and coconut. ANYTHING!!! You hear me. ANYTHING!!!

  48. hi kenny. Just a blog post date sequence issue please. Why does your blog open to a post dated Jan 11, when its Jan 22’nd here in NZ? To get to your most recent post on the 20th, I have to visit your Jan 06 archive. My cookies are deleted daily. Will try re-saving your url in favs. I’ve got to get back to Kuching sometime, the food sounds even better than it was, when I was last there in ’94. Regards from New Zealand.

  49. I MISS KUCHING!!! Salivating while looking at the laksa. Cheh!!Heading off to the nearest we got here-Laksa Shack! Will check them out once I’m home.Btw Kenny, you round round all over Kch looking for food only kah?

  50. wahh everytime i drive past everise i think kenny sia.. LOL haah
    u forgot the good ice kachang (matterhorn, white lady, apache, etc) at hui sing… and the char kueh teow and the ketchup mee is good there also! =)
    just came back to kuching from perth after 5 years and been here a week..loving it =D
    laksa at foody good is supposed to be good also..

  51. Hey Kenny, I remember eating a thick-ass, delicious, juicy lap cheong in Kuching when I was young some 15 years ago. Nothing like the skinny and waxy ones in Semenanjung. Only IN Kuching!
    You happen to know what I’m talking about, and what the locals (you all) call it?

  52. Kuching is the most well-balanced place. Not superficial… boring only you come from a big city – cos you just can’t get over the life there. Kuching is not boring once you know the place. People are a lot nicer too

  53. well guys i’m not the only one dunno about this jalan petanak madam’s tang laksa and gu bak mee hahaha but from my experience………
    Best kolok mee…
    1)bishopgate (but have to wait very long)
    2)green road middle shop (name not sure)
    3)siang siang cafe (tabuan jaya)
    hehehee next!
    Best Laksa….
    1)Chong choon ( abell road)
    2)Sekama (ah seng laksa if not wrong behind Fish ball king)it’s a corner cafe
    3)Foody goody cafe (tabuan laru area just around Kuching specialist centre)
    4) Thompson corner (tabuan jaya)
    5) Fat cat cafe ( tabuan laru area as well just beside j & j cafeteria.
    Last but not least…..
    Best GU Bak Mee
    1)Green hill cafe (opposite star cineplex area corner lot)
    2)Around kubah ria area (Ah mui’s stall)
    3)Lam’s place @ Chong lin park
    Other than that for claypot rice lover may try the one at thompson tabuan jaya as well but now the pricing naik lagi till RM4 in conjunction with the price hike i guess or may try the one at BBQ specialist but i still give 2 thumbs up for the one at thompson the taste is different from the rest. Happy trying guys! and i love KUCHING~ too bad still miss NESLO way back in sabah

  54. was in Kuching/Sibu 28 days May/June 04. From Vancouver. Much good food. Back in Kuching/Sibu/Sarikei May/06. Will check local Illy coffee, have some in my kitchen now. Kolo mee is breakfast…

  55. Flavorz and Tao offer Illy Coffee. Bing too! Tao is another new spot to hang out at, it’s a very cosy place with diff sections and great interior design. You’ll love it. Besides that, the lamb shank at The Junk is still the best in Kch. Nvr been to Bla Bla Bla b4 but heard food there are quite nice. I go for Laksaat least once a week, I still prefer the one at Bormill which is near to the KTS Village, only RM 4 per bowl. For Tim Sum, try those at Fock Hoi located at Padungan, as I think the char siew pau and steamed bun there are the best.

  56. I’m taking my parents out for a dinner treat tomorrow. Am thinking about Ocean King for the O Jien. Can give me the address ah?

  57. Here’s my take
    1. laska – Mui Chin Cafe in block next to Thompson Corner Nanas
    2. cha kueh – Sin Po Po next to Ban Hock flats
    3. mee sua – Thompson Corner Nanas
    4. kolo mee – BDC Tan & Lo (I think)
    5. Oh Chien – The Venue near airport

  58. I disagree on the best kolomee winner. My money goes to either one of the following:
    1. The coffee shop in front of the old Cathay Cinema, behind Khoo Hun Yeang Street in the old part of town.
    2. The kolomee at Woon Lam Cafe, otherwise known as ‘Old Immigration’, at Jalan Song Thian Cheok, where the old Immigration Dept used to be.
    Agree on the others.

  59. man… that ice milo thing looks familiar… used to do it years ago… lol…. but stil. kenny… i agree KAU KAU! except the kolo mee ofc… best would be d one behind star… the roadside.. that is sinfully oily stuff… wohoo!

  60. hi.. stumbled upon this page when i was googling for kuching food. gonna go kuching in mid year and was just searching for information. can anyone help me in giving me directions to these fantabulous food places mentioned above??? from the kuching city center?? or are these places just accessible by car?

  61. Kenny, you’re damn straight about Alan Salon. Know how I know? Cos I was from there. It’s world class I tell you. Stuff I learn from there, is giving me a huge fat $$$ every month just cos i’m learn from the BEST! not to mention i’m currently in Melbourne, Australia!!!!

  62. Hi Kenny and anyone in the post, am planning a 10persons management meeting either Langkawi or Kuching in June; which is better; its a 3-4day meeting. And, none of them has been these places before and they definitey won’t swim at seaside or go on exotic/dangerous adventures and I hv a Jap and Aust executive coming along. Appreciate any inputs; definitely accommodation must be 5star but rate should not be to the extremes. Well I think can be around 200-250/nite.
    Thank you*

  63. kuching have resonable 5star hotel rates compare to other cities.Kuching hilton is one of the cheapest hilton hotel you can find in the world.And furthermore its in walking distance to those nice places mentioned in kenny’s blog.Kuching is a very calm and at the moment not slow moving city.Things are picking up here and more great food are coming to the scene.
    Nice places for laksa:
    1.Ah Yew laksa in 3rd mile Bormill
    2.Chong Choon Cafe sumwhere near Mojo.
    3.Golden Arch Big Prawn Laksa.
    4.Foody Goody Laksa
    5.Barretts Laksa at 3rd Mile Bormill
    6.Next to Grand Continental Hotel.
    Actually there are many more laksa stalls but these places satisfy my taste buds.They are not too hot nor too mild.I eat laksa almost everyday if im in kuching.Too many laksa stalls to list out.
    Nice places for Claypot Mee:
    1.Thompson Corner Nanas Road
    2.Chong Choon Cafe near Mojo
    Nice places for Kolo Mee:
    1. Swee Sen Kolo Mee(have to queue up long on Sunday)
    2.Seafood Mee at Sekama.The shop also got famous Ah Yew laksa.
    3.Green Road kolo mee.Near Goh Sey Lak
    4.Thompson Corner
    5.I seldom eat Kolo Mee lately.Got a craze for Laksa now.
    Nice places to Chill Out:
    2.Exza(nice Lamb Shank-must try)
    3.Bla Bla Bla(not lamb shank-too small)
    6.Seems that coffeebean is not a craze in kuching with all these nice places to hang around.
    7.Anyone try Room ?? in padungan yet..forgot the number.
    Nice places for relaxation:
    1.Friendship Park at Jalan Song(haha-tea break go there eat dim sum)
    Nice Kueh Chap:(not into kueh Chap)
    3.Poh Kwong Park
    Kenny, can you tell me where is Madam Tang’s Laksa?I cant find it.Give a guide there ya.I wan to taste what i miss out.

  64. gosh… i left kuching for too long… definitely missed out all these nice food too… eeewww….

  65. Tom’s Restaurant is tops for food and cakes. Tom (owner and chef) is marvelously talented. You all have got to try his Napoleon cake. Lucky KL folks will get a chance to sample the sweets as Tom has opened a restaurant in Mont Kiara late last year.
    BING is great for ambience and coffee, after a scrumptious dinner at Tom’s. They are next door to each other. :o)

  66. The best best best best best coffe shop in Kuching is Hwan Loke Cafe, right next to Tun Jugah! check it out

  67. cool.send more pictures cause i need for my project.can anyone send pictures in kuching,bdc?please send it to me.tq.

  68. Kuching has the opportunity to grow even better, time will tell. Places to hang out, good food may gain points for Kch. When it comes to fine dining and wine, Kch still have far to go. Denise wine shop and the rest of the cafes are just up to mid range and upper mid range restaurants. A few in hotels can be premium. But wheres the fine dining? We talking about serious wine and serious European cuisine. Foie gras and truffle! Bordeaux Pomerol 89 and Sasiccaia finest wine.
    Kch’s Travillion Mall’s Frappe. I’m so dissapointed! Frappe is cross between Italian granita and sorbet! Not ice blended or smoothies please! Ice blended and smoothies are the most common. Frappe is the middle level of this fine cafe drinks. Please observe before you run business. One more thing, Frappe is Greek’s special, the ‘e’ at the back is silent. We dont read out the ‘e’.
    Anyway, all the best to you all in business!

  69. U make me miss home… kolo mee, laksa, balacan meehoon, jiu hu eng chai, ice kacang, rojak, kio chap mee, kio chap kueh tiao, tao geh kueh tiao, sioh bi, chai kueh….. oooohhhh… yummy yummy…. I can’t tahan anymore…

  70. The kolo mee at bedok is at the coffee shop beside the Bedok library (facing the main road).
    Gotta go early, before 8pm, cos they sell out fast

  71. kenny, can you try and post the recipes for those amazing dishes!
    So desperate to make kolo mee, tomato kueh tiaw & kam pua!!!
    Can you find out…!
    You’ll have a new best friend in melbourne man!

  72. Does anyone know where,in Kuching, has nice choc fudge cake or tiramisu or any cake that is nice and not too sweet?

  73. go kck dont miss to clubbing at Gol Cafe,hee heee mcm mcm ada best dancing show o there….aso u can meet da gal name bb,mi2,naC….and handsome akua,soT………….goal no 1

  74. are the prices for food in Bla Bla Bla expensive, what are their range? any idea where to have a not-so-romantic dinner?

  75. You tiao or yu char kway has been put in the limelight in Kuching during and after the Astro Classic Golden Melody Singing Competition 2010 where one of the participants from Kuching has captured the audiences especially the Kuching folks throughout the competition. She has won the champion and all the subsidiary titles for the competition.
    If you want to eat you tiao, Bee J you tiao is the one you should must not miss, Bee J you tiao has become even more popular now and attract big crowds espeically during the weekend and public holiday.

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