Passport – checked. Pound sterlings – packed. Travel guide to London – read.
Yes, I am jetting off to London to escape the recent spate of ISA arrests, learn about “agriculture” and perhaps drink some beer in the process.
No lah, I’m lying. I’m just going to London to drink beer, attend an arts festival, enjoy live music and look at artists from different parts of the world coming together to squeeze their collective creative juices.
The festival I’ll be attending in London is called Tiger Translate.
Tiger Translate is an initiative by Tiger Beer to showcase the work of the best undiscovered artists from Asia in the fields of visual art, graffiti, photography, music, fashion and illustration.
Tiger Translate Auckland
Previously, this festival was held across the world at such luminous global cities as New York, Berlin and Beijing. London is their seventh stop thus far.
Tiger Translate Berlin
But there is one thing that sets this festival apart from the rest. The essence of Tiger Translate is the intense focus of cross-cultural collaboration between East and West, and an opportunity for the Asian artists to work with high profile international artists in their respective fields.
Pure Evil’s (UK) intepretation of Heath Ledger’s The Joker
The way it works is like this.
A couple of weeks before going to London, up-and-coming artists from Asian countries were introduced to their more well-established counterparts from the international arena.
Udishma Kumar for India submitted this entry and got himself selected as a Tiger Asian Kinetic Artist (AKA) for Tiger Translate London
The two artists would NOT have met face to face. Instead, they have to communicate via e-mail to discuss how to transform something ordinary like a sofa, a fridge, or a lamp into extraordinary pieces of art.
Imagine a street artist from Mongolia teaming up with a sculptor from Denmark, or perhaps a computer graphic animator from China producing a music video for a UK rock band.
An Australia-China collaboration that fetched a cool price tag of USD$10,000!
The Asian and international artists are only gonna meet each other four days before the public showcase when they all fly in and gather at the host city of London. Then, with the limited amount of time and possibly language barrier that they have, the two artists must work through day and night to complete their collaborative artwork in time for the grand finale.
Kinda like me finishing my last minute assignments back in Uni.
Street art by Monorex (UK), one of the international artists
A stellar line-up of British artists have already been introduced, featuring EINE, Monorex, Hicalorie and PureEvil. They are set to collaborate with unknown Asian artists from China, Mongolia, India and Singapore found through a series of intense competition over the past few months. The artists will finish their work in front of a live audience on the night of the grand finale. Meanwhile a rock band and DJs will crank up the party mood.
Normally art fests are held inside some snobbishly pretentious art gallery right? Well, not this one. 🙂
Of all places, the grand finale of Tiger Translate London will gonna be held inside an abandoned CARPARK at the fashionable district of Shoreditch, London.
This unusual venue is where the artists will showcase their finished artwork, a reflection their intepretation of East-meets-West. Then we can all drink Tiger Beer, admire the artwork and listen to live music. There are gonna be some fun stuff to do as well, like creating a mosaic effect on a wall, and get this – leave a graffiti on the iconic black London cab!
If there are any readers in London, of course you guys can come down and join us at the event next Saturday. It’s free of charge after all.
Besides, this is perhaps your only chance of vandalising a cab without going to jail for it.
The theme for Tiger Translate London is VOYAGE.
And it’s about time for me to finish this entry and rush to the airport for my VOYAGE to London.
Man-gasm Alert: AirAsia Boss Tony Fernandes has started his own blog at In his third blog entry, he wrote, “Pictures tell a million words and learning from people like KennySia, I will try to add some photos with my post.”
What an honour to be mentioned by the man himself. Thank you, Tony!
Your life sounds amazing. Zooming all the way to London just to watch a show?
You know how to live. awesome.
i though u were already there
I love London!
enjoy ya trip!
have fun and a good trip 🙂
I see Oxford Learner’s dictionary there
wats dat it-fusion apple?
Interesting event? I hope such events in Malaysia as well.. hehe… can drink till morning…
hey take more cloths it is cold in London now
Have a nice trip!
you’re pure evil kenny
Bon voyage Kenny. Have fun!
Kenny, ARE YOU A CHELSEA FAN ? omg …….
so nice….
wah…. LONDON @_*
i wanna go….
you are so funny , xD
Cool event~! Enjoy yourself there and take more pics to post up!
woo~ go and rock london for malaysia ~~
enjoy your trip~ make sure u take lot of pic and post them here after u back~
Don’t forget to visit the Emirates Stadium in Ashburton Grove!
ow… u life so enjoy ~
To Weeee Eneterprise Nigger Town Yawn Fish Indian Vase Ernie!!
I highly doubt Shoreditch is fashionable.. Its probably the dodgiest place you can ever find in London.. Be careful of your wallet mate.
eh Kenny..
Dawn “Plastic” Yang *ahem*
is going to London also leh.
getting lucky?
Hello Kenny
how come you can easily flight hee flight there?
i’m not sure what is your job scope?
willing to share?
hey kenny where’d you get your macbook hardcover from? I’ve ben looking for a see through one.
btw when youre in london be sure to stop by any of the fish and chips stores near pimlico, they rock.
Hey Kenny , sorry for cross-posting , but i wanna ask you something , you host your site at for $5 per month ? is it in US dollar or RM ?
pls remember to tell the Queen Mother I said ‘Hiya’!
enjoy your trip. =)
Have fun dude! =)
Envy u…I wished to go London too
Dawn Yang is going too… =/
enjoy the trip!!!
Wow~ The picture of yours looks sooooo funny~
hahahaha XD
Enjoy your London Trip!
come to newcastle!!! too bad i’m not in london!! ENjoy london…hope the weather will be a-okay!
It looks so cool!
Have fun!!! =DD
take care kenny and haf fun~
Yo Kenny I’ll be there to see you at the show.
If you’re after clubbing, go to leicester square. But I’m sure your little tour guide will say that to you anyway :p
enjoy London! unfortunately, i wont be in london that weekend we can meet on friday night for a pint if you want.
Have a nice trip Kenny
hey guy above, UMNO “loyal member” doesnt speak like you idiot.
isnt it Money and Power all you umno people want?
Wow! congrats and have fun 🙂
You’re right, Penarik Beca, Ima dickhead yay!
Oh So sweet~~ kenny, snap some showgals pics yea~ hehe.. enjoy ur trip man!
Funny that Kenny is leaving for UK at a time when Badawi is arresting anti-Malay bloggers in the land using the ISA. As a Western Malaysian Malay I am up to my neck with this bastard Kenny dragging the good name of UMNO through the mud. As Ahamd Ismail says people like that should be shot or disemboweled with a KRIS!
Yea Kenny is leaving to escape the ISA. Smart kenny!
Happy flying Mr Kenny! =D
hahaha.. you look like ‘laksamana Cheng Ho’ but wearing a Union Jack T-Shirt.
Hahaha Kenny on the ship! xD
Drawing stuff and free beer all day long? Sounds like a party to me!
wow… i wish i be there too now..
kenny, don’t wear a club shirt and walk around UK =)
oh its pretty near to where i live. maybe my friends might wanna go 🙂
how come every time you come around my london london bridge wanna go down like… london london london!
hv a safe trip!!! A cool lappie(^^), I saw it!
banyak duit ngko, kenny, pound sterling semua. kali 7 tau… sedekah la sket kat i. hahahah!
have fun in paris
eat all you can!
enjoy the brezze and heritage
i been there
super fun 😀
waaa.. own macbook or macbook air? Is it another ‘ads’ from ITFUSION, Apple Authorized Reseller? 🙄
Lucky bastard..
i am here in London and I might be there this Sat coz my gay hubby is a big fans of yours
Yes! We will be there! Me and my lesbian wife!
Btw. you have some strange request… “say hi to the queen mother?”. Goodluck with that..
You lucky ass! I am so jealous! Enjoy your trip!
I used to live there for a few years.
A lively bustling cosmopolitan city and definitely mor choices of beer compared to Malaysia :p
I went to the whole Tiger Translate thing in Guangzhou. It was kinda silly. Plus Tiger totally destroyed the bar that hosted the event by robbing the place of its own personality and posing Tiger propaganda on every available surface, including the floors!!! to top it off, tiger beer does not even taste that good.
I bet it is hard for you to go online in the London. In view of the lack of update. There are no free Hot Spot in London. Not even in Starbucks.
Hey Kenny, try walking around China Town in London. If you see a “model” sign on the door of any staircase leading up to first floor. Go right up and let me now how’s like.
It is great and once in a life time experience to view an art culture show collaboration the East and West.
I wish that I could be there…..
Thanks Kenny for bringing it closer to us.
Awaiting your great report.
Hi Kenny, just picked up your web-site from a Goggle word search on Kuching Sarawak. Read your blog about Tigertranslate. Brought back a lot of memories – drinking Tiger Beer and using Tiger Balm for mosquito bites when I was in Kuching with the REME – Army 1962 and ’63. I used to work in Great Eastern Street and park in that carpark. If your looking to find another nice city to visit look me up in Volgograd, Russia and keep the blogs coming – Great stuff!
Ay, Mr. Kenny.
thought you might be interested in a mini-political satire that i’ve drawn out cartoon-style…
happy catching up with barbie there 🙂
u would go anywhere with beer isn’t it
I hope you pack an umbrella because it’t quite wet here usually.
Wow..go to london..sponsor by Tiger also?
eh, still hiding yourself out there? scared eh?
Why Parisian apartment hor? Going with Barbie? Need more room?
Is Kenny arrested by ISA? Why so many days no post…… lol
im in newcastle, was planning to go down to London during the weekend but plan cancel last minute.
well have fun kenny..
BWAK BWAK BWAK! Kenny is in Paris with Dawn Yang, Where got time to update his blog. HA HA HA!
Kenny, You are getting rounder liao..
oops. saw you there with a lovely girl.
tony should perhaps learn to refund their passenger incase of delay or at least refund their airport tax collected on behalf of his passenger in case of cancel flight.
heyhey! haha. blog blog ? =)
Erm hihi Kennysia!
Can you view my blog and give me some comment?
I like the style how u blog~ Im now learning to blog
Good or bad comment also nvm ~~
Hey Kenny, complete copies of your post (with pics, links and comments) have been circulating by email. I received four such emails from different friends already. I foresee three problems…
1. You might get ISA-ed for no good reason (wait a minute, everyone get’s ISA-ed for no good reason)….
2. You might get ISA-ed for something you did not do (no wait, that’s not gonna work either…)
3. You’re not credited in any of the emails (that ought to get you hopping)…
The Geek
Clarification: your post on Ah Mad Is Mail.
Hey kenny, see if you enjoy this Anwar Ibrahim Parody song video.
If you do, spread it up!
waah free trip meh…l0ve one..
nicolekiss not joining u this time? pity her..heheh
I see you’ve deleted and committed london’s best kept secret to memory Kenny….enjoy 😉
Hey Kenny, just a note that your blog site is becoming increasingly slow at downloading. It takes forever to see your pictures and post these days and the wait sorta discourage readers. Am not sure if I’m the only one facing the problem but thought that you should know. Hope this can be corrected soon. Thanks!
interesting post.
Hey buddy, how’s the show? My name is Dennis, I am the one who illustrated the voyage poster, and I had a couple of artwork at the exhibition too. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it. Have you got any photos that I can get from you?
Check out my site if you are free : )
go to london sponsor by Tiger also?