Goodbye ‘09

Not very often can I look back on a year and say, “Wow, that was an awesome year.”

On the 31st December 2009, I was invited to the New Year’s Eve party at Fullerton Hotel hosted by the gracious Miss Singapore (the Universe one, not the Boomz one).

There I was, sitting at the balcony with a bunch of new friends, thinking to myself how fortunate I was to have crawled out from that shit hole I was in and to enjoy doing what I’m doing today.


I don’t think I’ve ever been this optimistic on the eve of a new year.

In 2005, I lost my dad. In 2006, I had no cash. In ‘07, I made wrong decisions in. And ‘08 was just sucky all-year round that I was so glad it was over.

This time last year, I was so upset at the state I was in that I listed down 5 things I wanted to do in 2009:

1. Run a marathon in less than 6 hours. 
2. Get less addicted to e-mails and Facebook.
3. Double my investment portfolio.
4. Start a new business.
5. Be happier.


Well, I tried doing a marathon but I did not managed to finish it because I didn’t train. Certainly did not get any less addicted to e-mails and Facebook. (In fact, I ended up with a new addiction – Twitter.

Apart from that, I’m happy my other 3 resolutions were somewhat accomplished.


I realised I have grown up a lot in 2009.

My style of blogging has changed compared to how it was when I first started. I am 27 years old now. A lot of those stupid idiotic stuff I used to do for my blog, I stopped.

Ok lah, not completely.

As I grow up, I started thinking what’s important, and started doing things that actually gives back to society. Things like adopting a cause for charity, spending more time with loved ones and running a business that promotes healthy living.


I realised that despite me being single for the first time in 8 years, I am actually A LOT happier now.

Starting my own business was easily one of the best decisions I have ever made in 2009. Sure, it sucked out a lot of my time and energy, but I love my job and I wake up every morning looking forward to going to this fitness centre that I’m so proud to call my own.

In hindsight, I think it’s a good thing I don’t have a girl in my life. A friend of mine had a girlfriend the same time he started his business. He told me that at one point he was so busy that he “wanted to get it up also cannot.”

Eventually, perhaps when my business stabilises, I’m gonna get back into  relationships. For now, I still think girls are fussy creatures that required way too much time and attention than I can afford.

In 2010, I want to:

1. Complete a marathon in less than 6 hours (real one lah this time).
2. Achieve my sales and membership targets for Level Up Fitness.
3. Help people around me realise their true potential and talent.
4. Be more optimistic about relationships, less shy about approaching the opposite sex.
5. Stabilise my business, so I can put more time back into blogging.

2009 was a good year.


2010 will be better!

86 Replies to “Goodbye ‘09”

  1. I realised that despite me being single for the first time in 8 years, I am actually A LOT happier now. – Kenny.
    But you were never married in the first place. Should be unattached instead of single, don’t you think so?
    Happy Better Year.

  2. Hey Kenny,
    I’ve been reading your blog. Never left a comment b4. But hey, it’s the New Year and I wanna wish you all the best in 2010. You been a silly inspiration!

  3. Happy New Year KY. Glad you’ve got the new business of yours but do keep blogging. There’s too much time to waste without reading ur blog. hehe.

  4. Good luck in finishing the marathon this year! And on your business. 🙂
    I’m glad that you’re at such a good place.
    My resolution in 2010 is to achieve that. 😀 Happy New Year, old friend!

  5. Hey Kenny, what a great blog you have! Yea, a very good resolutions that you’v made, and again, Hope that you can really make it for this year-lah.. =p

  6. Heppy new year to u kenny,
    Sure 2010 will be better for u.
    Hey u get my support for the marathon for sure, the next four i believe u can achieve easily la..

  7. Congratz that you are getting more into business as that is one big magnet for the girls!
    Happy that Kenny look at the brightsite too =D
    Wish you well in year 2010 and manage to LevelUp the gym and ur body!

  8. All the best in 2010! I am pretty sure most of your resolutions you will be able to complete in 2010 BUT you might just not make it on your first resolution which is to finish a marathon in 6 hours! ^^
    Nonetheless, Happy New Year and bye bye 2009 and welcome 2010!

  9. good to noe 2009 is good for u, 2009 sucks big time for me…
    hope that both u and me can achieve less than 6 hrs for a marathon (i finished 7 hrs 02 mins for SCSM 2009 -.-)

  10. I actually like your thinking.
    I think every men should build up their career first before putting a big effort to build a serious and stable relationship.
    I’m amazed with your success! 🙂
    Way to go with your 2010 resolutions! 🙂

  11. Happy New year Kenny!
    I love to read your blog because it’s both funny and inspiring,a lot of times both these elements in a single post.
    Wishing you all the best for 2010.
    Have a good one 😀

  12. I’ve been reading your blog as much as you’ve written but I’ve never gotten a chance to say. You’re an inspiration, Kenny. Have an awesome 2010 (:

  13. hey Kenny.. hehe…
    I was checking out this Rachel Kum’s blog – and saw her picture posts.. hehe.. If I didnt know u better, I would have thought u r dating Rachel Kum.. hehe..
    I think u two would look good together anyways!
    Anyways, see ya later – ciaoz. hehe.

  14. although i really miss your frequent updates, i’m sure you’ve given a lot of thought about it before deciding to devote more of your time into your own business. it’s definitely a good choice and i wish you all the best. all the best and a very happy new year to you, kenny.

  15. Happy New Year Kenny! All the best to your new year resolutions – you can do it and you will do it! 🙂
    Cheers to a good year!

  16. kenny! i have the same panda hat as you do :D. from china right? i got it for 10Y only, whereas other people sell for 20Y and the more high-class airport shops sell it for 80Y -____- same material and size and same everything also! what a rip off kaukau -__-

  17. good to hear that you have had wonderful 2009 and striving to achieve more in coming year.
    inspiring blog. i will keep reading them 🙂 Jia You !

  18. its been a year since i had started to read ur blog and to be honest, ur blog is the best blog i had read so far.. i really learnt alot from u kenny.. HappY New Year kenny..!

  19. Happy New Year! And congrats on your new business 🙂
    If you are confident and happy, there will be ladies paying attention to you. My two cents is just not to project immediately into how they might be in a long-term relationship. Just go day by day, or date by date, or whatever. And if it doesn’t work out, no worries.

  20. Hi there. Been reading your blog since way back than when there’s still updates regularly but never once dropped a comment before.
    Behind a successful man is a woman. I am in no place to say this but c’mon buddy (and your little brother down there), you gotta be more optimistic about relationships man! 🙂 May you have a pleasant 2010!

  21. About the you have grown up part and style of blogging changed part.
    I think everyone can tell. The sense of maturity is creeping through. Its about time anyway LOL. =) [No offense tho]

  22. He told me that at one point he was so busy that he “wanted to get it up also cannot.”
    what does that mean? hahaha
    well happy new year to you. May your wish come true.

  23. Here’s another one. Pick up a musical instrument. It’s one of the things you must do before you die.
    And don’t just do it to impress.

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  25. 2009 was a great year for me too and I’m very optimistic that 2010 will be much more better.
    As you may see in my blog post, Reflecting Back On 2009, with my age of 24 I still have a lot of thing that I never did before. Some might be my childhood dreams, some might be a new challenge for me.
    There are still a lot to explore out there. So be ready when the opportunity comes.
    All the best!!

  26. Happy New Year!
    Best one can hope for is Good Health, rest we can toil towards.
    27 with shelved-interest in women sounds kinda homo man. Hey, you haven’t fallen in love with ever faithful palm-ela have you? Overdose of Gym and absorbtion with physical-self will do that.
    With women outnumbering men between five & ten to one it is tough to miss these days, quality Dames I’m talking about.
    Me thinks Kenny needs a change of scenery.
    Main diff with blog? You’ve gone Commercial baby, and that’s OKAY, it’s a Capitalist World out there and Celebrity is an ASSET.
    Make hay, public attention is extremely Fickle.

  27. Girl, WHAT the hell is wrong with you?
    I’ll take a ‘woman’ with a MIND over ‘fancy & flighty’ any day of the week.
    Take a gander at their mothers to see what so-called pretty will grow into. Yeah, post-menopause mouthstache and all.
    Key in all this is ‘Woman’. If you’re not there yet, Take-Your-Time and Savour care-free adolescence, it’s a strictly One-Way street after, and adulthood is not a part-time thing.
    Selling yourself short does not display ‘Smarts’, there are enough out there willing to do that just so they can feel good about their sorry selves.

  28. Natty Dread,
    Aside from “what the hell is wrong with you”, which probably shows your anger to the world. I cannot really understand what the f&@^ you are saying.
    Seems like you are trying to give some advice? But for F7#^#&$ sakes, learn to type like a human being or maybe its your F&#^# grammar, whatever it is, nobody cares, so why don’t you sod off and stop trying to be shygirl’s mother….

  29. Sorry skid, but you cannot have my baby.
    There’s a lad in Leicestershire charged with damaging a donkey and a horse, he’s more your style, sod an’ all.

  30. Happy New Year, Mr Sia.
    I was pleasantly surprised to find out that we were both in Singapore on New Year’s Eve.
    Not trying to hint anything, just being amazed of how small is this world. : )
    All the best!

  31. Happy New Year! Happy for you that you achieved 3 out of your 5 resolutions. Takes a man (or woman) with very strong determination to achieve ANY resolutions (that’s why I’ve stopped setting them!)
    Not sure if I agree with your statement that a girl takes up too much time and attention… but if you’re happy where you are that’s the best for you 🙂

  32. 3. Help people around me realise their true potential and talent.
    Thanks and truly an inspirational post!
    Wishing you all the best Kenny and may you achieve even more this year!

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