The Worst Christmas Tree Ever

This holiday season, everyone is trying their best to put on the most impressive Christmas decorations.

There’s Christmas trees in shopping malls.

Christmas trees on the streets.

Even Christmas trees as cupcakes in bake shops.
But this “Christmas tree” I saw outside the Pavilion KL has gotta win the award for Worst Christmas Tree ever.

Waddya mean it does not look like a Christmas tree? It IS a Christmas tree.
Look, there’s even Chritmas presents wrapped nicely underneath it.

Bricks for Christmas, anyone?
Just foolin’. 😉 I just need an excuse to post something to wish you guys all a Merry Christmas.

Colmar Tropicale at Berjaya Hills, Pahang could have been a nice relaxing weekend getaway.
But for RM300 a night, I reckon their rooms could use a little bit of upgrading. The room I stayed at was so poorly maintained, I have seen two-star hotels that look better than that.

79 Replies to “The Worst Christmas Tree Ever”

  1. Sometimes, ppl just like to be uh.. Different. Hahaha… That’s the kind of Christmas Tree u’ll get those who like to be different.

  2. I felt so warmth reading this post…
    “I just need an excuse to post something to wish you guys all a Merry Christmas.” –kenny
    Thanks for the wishes. You are such a nice blogger…

  3. hooo hooo hoooo!!!! Merrrry Christmas & HapPPpppy New Year 2008 to u Kenny 🙂 may u continue to posting and will continue 2 support u..keep up the good jobs!

  4. Creative Indeed!
    Celebrating the birth of Christ whose existence is Irrefutable though the exact date is Mystery. Stigmatised Illigitimate, Criminalised for teaching a Doctrine specifically for which he was born, and Crucified as an example to other believers in GOD while praying for his persecutors: “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they have done”. Ponder what his Mother Mary endured, considering what she KNEW took THIRTY Years to materialise.
    Jesus described himself as The WAY, one light in the Heart is enough, but an annual Festival to spread “PEACE on Earth & GOODWILL towards men/women”, Open to ALL of Humankind is Fitting.
    Continuous Ingenuity of employing humour to achieve worthwhile goals is both Courageous and Of Service. Thank You.

  5. hey, what kind of room did you stay in in colmar? I think it’s not a bad place, have visited twice (and by some coincidence I got the same room). It was the 1 bedroom family room I think, just above the reception. was pretty ok.

  6. Andre, I got Room 6005.
    The place itself is nice but the hotel rooms can do with a lot of improvement. There is no carpet, the floor is badly scratched, there is no way to control the aircond, the walls have cracks, badly patched up, the bathroom tiles have stains and the room is just generally badly maintained. I was looking forward to unwind, but it just really fell below my expectations. 🙁

  7. gosh, you almosty got me fooled there, i really thought it is a xmas tree man, but it turns out to be a decoratiive weird thingy, in any case.
    HAPPY MERRILY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE, even if its belated, but whatever. haha. =p
    best regards,

  8. hahaha kenny. You were in Times Square right? Remember the hotlink’s advertisement ‘You don’t have to live like this?’ ( the guy with One movie ticket with a string of friends hiding behind trying to enter the cinema without being noticed by the ticket boy).
    Your face in the last pic is pretty much suitable for the ad =P maybe you should try consider putting yourself into such ads, be the Ticket boy or the ‘Man with the Hood’

  9. the nicest christmas tree i saw was the one hung upside down in the middle of queensbay mall penang! well it’s not really a ‘christmas tree’ per say…

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