The Official World Cup Scent

The FIFA World Cup has been a huge money-making machinery with many businesses cashing in on the football craze that’s going on right now. But when is it considered taking it too far?

I admit, I myself was caught up by the madness as well. I’m not a jersey person and I even just bought an “Official Licensed” Germany football jersey to join in on the fun. Then immediately after that Germany got knocked out of the tournament by Italy. So stupid. 🙁
One of the most bizarre “Official Licensed World Cup Merchandise” I’ve seen on the market is definintely this.

The Official FIFA World Cup 2006 Fragrance
“Introducing the officially licensed 2006 FIFA World Cup™ fragrance. Feel the excitement of winning the most coveted trophy in the world, wear the scent of victory.”
Excuse me, but what in the name of Ronaldinho’s balls is that supposed to mean?

What exactly is the “scent of victory”? I know what flower smells like, I know what coffee smells like, but how the heck would anyone know what “victory” smells like. It’s completely ambiguous and meaningless.
If that’s the case, everyone can just bottle their farts and sell it as a “scent of victory”. Because everytime I fart I feel a sense of victory.

Wanna smell like dirty, sweaty footballers?
Get the Official World Cup Fragrance today!

I was invited to become one of the judges for the DiGi Celebriteen Contest at Crowne Plaza 2pm this Sunday.
That means I get to do the Simon Cowell – acting like an assclown, making people cry and get away with it. Sweet! *rubs hands in glee*

53 Replies to “The Official World Cup Scent”

  1. Top 10! Yay!
    I would think the smell of football victory would be a combination of grass, fouls, and skinned knees.

  2. LoL!!!
    I can’t for the life of me find “ronaldo”, “ronaldinho” from brazil as sexually hot but somehow listening to all the women rave about them – it’s like guys like brad pitt have gone out of fashion in this world cup.
    yeah, why dont they just sell perfumes differentiated by the following:
    1.ronaldo – after game sweated perfume,
    2.ronaldo – after scoring perfume.
    I won’t be surprised if the women turn out to be the biggest customers..

  3. Hey Kenny,
    Guess what.. your name is appearing on Google Trends (… congrats on being Trendy 🙂

  4. the perfume could be a “bit” more desirable if they could convince consumers that their favourite footballers score goals wearing that scent tho. haha!

  5. Hi kenny,
    You feel ‘Scene of Victory’ is meaningless or vague is because you never WIN before!
    Now, as for me, i’m getting myself a bottle to feel VICTORIOUS again, it can keep me ‘feeling’ even when i’m not in a match.
    See ya later, LOSERS!

  6. Hey winner, I wonder if you’ve ever heard of the sayings : “What goes up, must come down” and “The higher you get, the harder you fall”. =)

  7. WTF! now u are promoting frangrance? LOLZ!
    Ehem, are u hoping dat the fifa’s president will come across dis entry and send “victory” scent to u eh?!
    AND I WANT THAT BAJU!!!!! ARGH! such a sombre night when germany lost… aih…

  8. Farny la you…
    and I’ll see what funnier antics will you put up at DiGi ‘s event.

  9. I hope u get a free “The Official FIFA World Cup 2006 Fragrance” by tomorrow. Then wear it to the DiGi Celebriteen Contest, be more meaner than Simon Cowell by make everyone lose/fail. Then smell yourself, now u know the fragrance smell like, victory being a judge! ..hehehe

  10. you know what scares me about ur football predictions? they are always wrong.
    say, u predicted germany to win, then they lost. then u predicted portugal to win, then THEY lost.
    and it worries me to see u predict that italy will win against france..
    i’m a die-hard italy fan.
    if italy dont win..
    mr sia,
    please stop predicting football scores after that..

  11. eeewww… the pungent smell of sweaty balls… haha
    anyway, hey kenny, i’ve something that might interest you on my blog. i’d appreciate if you’d take a look and tell me wat u think…

  12. I would buy that, if they have the female version. I need some victories right now! Anyways, did you smell the perfume?

  13. I don’t see any relationship between perfume and soccer… for sure whole bottle of perfume can’t cover the smelly sweat after match. Now days advertisement on TV also doesn’t make sense at all… too much Mawi… Hwa Tai’s biscuit advertisement is the worst!!! Jackers chips also another stupid advertisement.

  14. dude.. u need to play more sports..look at ur physical shape. u need to stop lookin like a football n play more football..and then maybe u’ll know the smell of victory

  15. So boring lah my workplace. When I come to office i will just turn on my pc and check my e-mail, and the rest of the day I will read kenny’s blog…. Good work kenny… I work full time to read your blogs…

  16. I have a passion of perfumes, and I also run a small perfumes sales business. I look
    around for posts like yours so I can keep myself updated. I consider the scent of perfumes
    as an art because every perfumes’ scent is unique in its own way just like an artist
    paints unique pictures. I even run my own blog for perfumes.

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