Jasiminne the Penguin is back.
Jasiminne was among one of the more popular female bloggers from “back in the days”.
I haven’t heard from her ever since she moved to London a year ago and disappeared off the face of the Internet. No MSN, no e-mails, no nothing. Then one fine day she e-mailed me to tell me that she’s back in town for holidays.
So many guys would DIE to be on the receiving end of those lips
Anyway, I was in KL last weekend and we agreed to meet at Sunway Pyramid. Cheesie and I waited day and night for her to show up after she got lost in the carpark, of all places.
First thing she said when she saw me?
“KENNY! I wanna see what you look like with long hair!”
With that, Jasiminne suddenly ran to my back and draped her long hair over my shoulders.
This is the end result.
Silly Penguin. Still crazy as always.
Unexpected gifts in the mail: A pewter pen and holder from Nicole, a set of Altec Lansing headphones from Kong and Josh Groban’s Christmas CD from Hui Yin all the way from Singapore.
Thank you, guys! Knowing that you actually went through the effort of mailing those gifts to me made me appreciate them even more. 🙂
You are cute in short hair and cool in long hair.
By the way, the potato t-shirt is the most out standing….. 😉
you might want to consider that style for 2008. HAHA!
hey kenny were you in klcc on christmas day (afternoon)?
2nd time comment ever, at 6th!!
damn! u looked so gay in that long hair~! haha!! btw, u guyz aceli did that silly act in the middle of shopping hall?
kenny sia is working the tulan face!
Nice expression 😛
“So many guys would DIE to be on the receiving end of those lips”. is that mean you’re one of them?
Her lips are ok…. juz that her eyebrows can be better I guess. They’re almost double-pronged!
Nice tulan expression.
Her eyebrows…
Your expression in last photo was really like a down and out man.
Wei, you should keep yr hair long lah…
looks like my silat teacher
You look like a rock star, but i’m telling you it’s not easy maintaining long curly locks….
i tell you.. you better dun go out with look during the ghost festival.. if not.. i dun know how many people will puja u to get a number.. haha.. at least u can get free chicken..
You reminded me of a guitarist, most of them had that kind of hair style lol.
Kenny.. You look like Power Station.. *LOL*
Hey good expression of the tulan look -_-
hey..kenny u got a lots of female lucks hoo…
she is pretty…but but…her eyebrows….SCARY ME!!!
make me laugh(the photo)…banyak cute…lol
I still remember my good old days when still have long hair…
hot chic by d way…hehhehe
kenny.. we live near by arr…
maybe u shld consider to have long n curly hair
u r like rock star with the long hair…haha…
Hahaha. Kenny looks like a rocker. XD
nice….think u should really consider d long hair…looks more MAN on u…:D
rock, brader!! rock it!! XD
Haha!! KNS. Get your own hair!!
Hair metal lives!!
(Now go find a striped spandex jumpsuit… with down-to-the-navel cleavage…)
Kenny! You’re a tranny!
OMG.. ur last pic looks like u kena rasuk.. :S hahhahhaa
omg~! thats Power Station~! 动力ç«è½¦~~ï¼ï¼
You bought that t-shirt in thailand!
She’s got very weird eyebrows..
oh..she’s back huh. it’s been awhile.
btw, u look like those orang asli. n like a lion too. roar~*
LOL my first laugh at one of ur entries in almost a year.
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! OMG! I CANT STOP LAUGHING… Clever Jasminne, no one ever tried that b4 on Kenny Sia… Good one… Thanks for the laugh, Ms. Penguin. hahaha!
kenny got tits on 3rd pic
so whats the point of this post uh huh?
to show off that you got hot friends.haha
yeah i enjoy anyhoos,can i marry her??!?!
WOOHOO!! Kenny, you look so pretty!
Faster go find a boyfriend before this year ends!
Just kidding..
hahaha kenny. You were in Times Square right? Remember the hotlink’s advertisement ‘You don’t have to live like this?’ ( the guy with One movie ticket with a string of friends hiding behind trying to enter the cinema without being noticed by the ticket boy).
Your face in the last pic is pretty much suitable for the ad =P maybe you should try consider putting yourself into such ads, be the Ticket boy or the ‘Man with the Hood’
pOND@N kENNY! Change ur name to Kennie Sia
LOL to long hair! I was at Pyramid last weekend too, didn’t see you though :p
Very pretty what.
married her
You’re so lucky to be surrounded by good girls most of the time. Sorry to say this, but that’s not your style. 😉
She has freaky eyebrows..
Omg…. u look so…. o, never mind…. u at sunway~???
This, might offend, but heck, IT’S JESUS!!!
Sunway Pyramid??
Last week??
Dang we could have met!
mayb u should try wearing bikini nxt time… XD
awwww Kenny you are welcome again!
Er methinks you should stick to short hair *lol*
With the long hair and your fat chest, you might qualify for a tranny. And if you had exposed your breast and let the loony looking Penguin squeezed em, you might get another 500+ comments on your blog. Now that would have been a memorable Guinness moment!
Whats going on with her eyebrows?
LOL..like caveman…hahaha
LMAO so “pretty” ~ HAHA
you should have pouted your mouth then we see if you look better or the penguin hahaha
Why the tulan face? Haha…kinda looks like a mullet. 😛
Eh you look like Hagrid lor.
Wear a miniHUGE tube and skirt, maybe even chio-er.
HEH. Enjoy reading your blog. 😀
you say you didn’t buy that T-shirt because you was not sure what your mom would say if you actually wore it out in your previous post. But now you are wearing it.
you sure get scolding from your mom if she read this.
hahahahaa ur best look yet kenny!!! plus, ur face is like
merry christmas and happy new year!! God bless….
super chio la kenny. haha!
haha, more like, you and her hair =p merry christmas!
you looks like just kena shock
Hey hey you look kinda suitable with that hairstyle ..
slightly rockstar, slightly ape-man, guaman look 😛
You’re wearing that “DADDY; HI KIDS” T-shirt!!
wow, i really like the shirt!! haha, so cute.
R u auditioning for warlords II? (villain)
hey dude, why not you just give it a try… set a new look for year 2008… :-p
Happy New Year
I’m the prettiest lah, look for me, Kenny!
u look gay with long hair. ur lyk frowning. must b humiliating. u actually did dat in dat shopping centre?
her eyebrows r so scary
haha..damn TULAN k? 😛
her eyebrows are sexy.ill fck her eyebrow over her pussy
omg so much love/hate over my fierce bitching brows,this is sexcellent.im one step closer to trannyfication!ima girl who looks like boy who wanna looks like a girl who was a boy!
kenny baby,keep that long hair,its fierce shit.i TOLD you you look like a cantonese fantasy drama warrior 😀
long haired looks rocky XD
haaa.aaaa….U got a nice long hair.!
Jasmine, welcome back.
eyebrows eeeeek
why her eyebrows like that one. she dunno how to draw is it?
nice tee.
the last picture really tells me that Kenny is so TULAN already!
Can’t stop laughing….
Is she physically attracted to you?
You look like a rock star with that temporary borrowed long hair
you would think she should come back better groomed since she is older and possibly with better judgement, but instead she still looks like some kampong ah lian who just discovered a sharpie can also double as an eyebrow pencil, since the city is a long ride away, plus she can’t afford the 2 ringgit eyebrow pencil too.
i can see that she is a pretty girl with nice features, but she does look like a tranny caught in a time warp. 1980s yo’all! anyway since that was her original intention, i am sure she likes all the attention about them eh? then we should humour her: GOD DAMN! i would’nt believe you are a girl unless i see your passport!!!
yes chicken,im going for the tranny look cos i have penis envy and want to be a boy. dr. frank-n-furter from Rock Horror Picture Show is my hero yo.
this is for all the haters 😉 :
With all due respect, and sincerely out of sheer concern, Jasmine needs to visit Browhaus soon.
you guys are idiots for dissin her eyebrows. you don’t even know what fashion is and you just judge. if she wants to draw her eyebrows with a sharpie, let her be. and i dont think she dresses up as a tranny, what she dresses is what define her personality. AND the best part is she can pull it off. it’s AVANT GARDE, IT’S COUTURE and it’s meant to be over the top. So she dresses up rather than being mellow and casual, that is her. Look at Galliano, Lagerfeld and all the big names in fashion. Why don’t you diss them also? They also dress up what. Galliano draws a fake thin mustache with a sharpie. God, no wonder Malaysia is so unrecognizable in the fashion world. Because of close minded idiots like you. A bit different also wanna complain.
She is so nice…
Let u get so close!!!
well this shows your keeness towars the hair care. Try to use such products for the hair which are less or completely free from the chemicals. As Hair care tips reported normally chemical causes hair loss and other hair problems.
the guy that has very long hair is like very ugly): ): ): ):