
This is not an advertorial, this is something awesome.

It is no secret than I’m a fan of adidas.
I like their shoes, I like their sportswears, I like the fun bunch of people who work there. Other sports brands have approached me before, but I turn them down because I genuinely like adidas stuff and I enjoy wearing them.

My shoe cabinet is filled with many pairs of their shoes.
Among them, my favourites are the Bounce I wear to gym, the Supernova I wear for my training runs and the adiZero CS that I will wear for my upcoming two marathons in Kota Kinabalu and Singapore.
It’s cool to have so many pairs of sports shoes, but recently I acquired a new pair of adidas that has firmly secured its place as my number one favourite shoes.

My very own custom-made adidas!
They call it mi-adidas. As far as I know, adidas Pavilion KL is the only store in the whole of Malaysia that allows you to personalise your own shoes.

Getting your own custom-made shoes cost around RM600, depending on the design. That works out to be about RM200 dearer than those mass-produced shoes.

The way mi-adidas works is pretty impressive. To get started, I need to make an appointment with adidas Pavilion.
The process begins with a member of the adidas sales staff precisely measuring my feet using this nifty piece of feet-measuring device.

As soon as I stepped on it, the motorised red scanners start moving around my feet like something out of a James Bond movie.
The device measured my feeet and according to the computer, my left foot is US 9.5 and my right foot is US size 10.
Hey, I never knew that my two feet are not symmetrical.

Anyway, I was told my feet are pretty big for a Chinese. And you know what they say about men with big feet? 😉
They wear big shoes.

Not only does the computer measure the size of my feet, it measures my footprint as well. This is to determine the best form of cushioning for my feet.
The red part shows which part of my feet I put the most pressure at.

Apparently, I’m more heavy towards the right hand side.
Again, I have no idea why that’s the case. Maybe my balls on the right hand side is heavier than my left.
So the sales person fed all these information into the computer. Then, it’s time to choose which shoes I wanna personalise.

mi-adidas is only available on certain running, basketball and tennis shoes.
I went for the adidas Barracuda tennis shoes ‘cos although I don’t play tennis, it’s got the most striking design out of all the choices available.
Besides, if I’m gonna wear my custom-mades, I’d wear it more for looks than sports.

The adidas sales staff guided me to select different design and colours for the shoes to my liking.
I designed my shoe based on my two favourite colours of dark blue and white, which if you noticed, are kennysia.com‘s official colours. 😉 I also added a touch of silver and gold for a more futuristic look.
This is my final design.

Almost every single portion of the shoe can be customised, from the skin, to the lining, to the laces and the soles. You can even print your name on it or put your country flag if you wanna.
No need to worry if your colour coordination skills sucks. The computer is able to give a 3D sample of what the shoe would look like in the end.

Once I’ve confirmed, they print out my design and I signed off the order.
That’s it!

All that’s left is to play the waiting game whilst the boffins at the adidas factory work around the clock to create my shoes. Four weeks later, I just pick them up from adidas Pavilion KL.
Behold, the custom-made kennysia.com Barricade!

Mine is the blue one, not the pink one.
Check it out. It’s even got my name on it, so no one would be able steal it and claim it as their own.

Nice eh?
(Hahaha! Geddit? “Eh” in Hokkien means shoes. Nice “eh”! Hahahaha!)
(Ok fine, it’s not very funny.)

Special thanks to Sushi King for inviting Kim, Irene, Phyl, Sam and me sample their huge selection of dish during Unagi promotion. I’m definitely coming back for more.

182 Replies to “mi-adidas”

  1. OMG THAT IS SO COOL do you know if it’s available in Singapore? 😀
    Cool shoes, Kenny, hope you’ll achieve greatness in them 😀

  2. Well that’s nice! In primary school, there’s always a case of missing shoes…looks like it’s suitable if one wants to locate their shoes but darn, it’s too pricey to lose..

  3. That’s awesome! I’ve never heard of it in Australia, or maybe I barely know at all…
    In any case, you’d better take good care of them!

  4. “the boffins at the adidas factory work around the clock to create my shoes.”
    Your might just be right there…they might even be those poor 7 yr old kids who work for a week straight for 3 dollars a week when they should be going to school.
    but then again, i believe that big corporations like addidas dont do stuff like this 🙂

  5. Saw this before in the Adidas shop. Thought it was super cool but pretty pricey. I’m running the Singapore marathon too. But 10km only. Have fun running!

  6. Wasting money. I customized all my shoes with handmade sewing for less than RM4.
    People like you waste a lot of money. a lot of time doing useless and unproductive things.
    pls stop blogging all this ridiculous thing. u are a true sia sui to sarawakian, malaysia as well as the chinese people.
    pls la. plss.
    plsss.. stop your sia sui activities.
    never seen such a fat cow person go 2 gym and still look so fat like the people in Walle. people like u always online and never move, customized shoe for wat. 2 show off. haiiiii. really Sia Sui la.

  7. nice “EH” Kenny …. too expensive for my blood … I wear safety shoes, can outlast yours anytime! I know .. mine cheap and not shining but extreme durable!! 🙂

  8. “Wasting money. I customized all my shoes with handmade sewing for less than RM4.
    People like you waste a lot of money. a lot of time doing useless and unproductive things.
    pls stop blogging all this ridiculous thing. u are a true sia sui to sarawakian, malaysia as well as the chinese people.
    pls la. plss.
    plsss.. stop your sia sui activities.
    never seen such a fat cow person go 2 gym and still look so fat like the people in Walle. people like u always online and never move, customized shoe for wat. 2 show off. haiiiii. really Sia Sui la.”
    Say so only if u earn as much $$ as Kenny. He earn his OWN $$ and spend his OWN $$, and damnit he still got lots of $$ left!! So what’s the problem of him spending?!!!
    Btw, if u can’t do as good as Kenny, please stop using the name “Kenny”, you’re juz making his name dirty.
    I’m from HK, and I think Malaysia Chinese should be proud to have a blogger like Kenny. So…guess who is the real Sia Sui to Malaysia and Chinese? 🙂
    And hi Kenny, this is the first time for me to leave a msg here. Reading your blog has become one of my major entertainments in Perth! Good job~haha~

  9. That baracuda shoes sure looks like a Starship Trooper’s shoes. You know those black & white soldiers in Star Wars.

  10. Funny joke.
    Cool man! I also want my OWN pair of shoes! So awesome!! Thanks for introducing this to us!! Will look into that!! 🙂 🙂
    Hmm…on second thoughts, I think the pink shoes looks nicer. Hahahaaha. So much for the 600 bucks!! Hahahaha… 😛

  11. I wonder is it made in C same as like most Nike?
    Nothing against, just that my previous 2 pairs of Nike don’t last. The Bata shoes (made in Malaysia, Jalan Kapar Klang, £30 a pair in UK) that I have now had last for more than 2 years, but then, it is not comfy as Nike.=>
    RM600 for that special touch worth so much more than 2 concert tickets. Nice… great idea for birthday present.

  12. you people think that’s a pair of nice shoes? fucking ridiculous. rm600 i rather use a fucking bata and write my name on it. just look at the first 5 pairs and we know he got no taste fo fucking shoes. they might be a comfortable shoes, or whatsoever but cool? fucking shoot me pal.

  13. nice shoes, kenny! wish I could own my own pair of customized shoes but then it’s too rich for my taste (the price!).

  14. If I am earning as much as you, Kenny… I would probably has designed or named every asset with my name on it!!!!
    Just like your beautiful Adidas shoes…
    Too bad, I am not as wealthy as you. 🙂

  15. i still like ur blog even if ppl don like u… cheer up kenny.. u still got lots of fans out there.. =D don be so depressed k? jz ignore them… it’s their opinion only.. sure it hurts but.. oh well, life isnt perfect.. sure got this sort of thing happen 1..

  16. HAHAHAHAHAHA. ur shoes are gay! and u shudve died. u said that u dont fukin care abt us haters but u do coz u still write to us. HAHAHA. dont start telling me im jealous of ur signature series coz im not. seriously u shudve just died in that car crash.

  17. whassup with the emo posts… u should take all the negative comments as a badge of honour sia..if u receive hate mail from random unknown people it means u’ve finally made it famous. damn it i don’t recieve any hate mail

  18. it’s reli nice la this shoe.. i nvr knew thr is such a service at pavillion’s adidas. shud find one day go fix one for myself.
    thanks kenny!
    p/s: btw, f**k off to all those jealous ppl, stop being so jealous! Kenny is truly a malaysia star blogger!
    Kenny rocks! =D

  19. “Wasting money. I customized all my shoes with handmade sewing for less than RM4.
    People like you waste a lot of money. a lot of time doing useless and unproductive things.
    pls stop blogging all this ridiculous thing. u are a true sia sui to sarawakian, malaysia as well as the chinese people.
    pls la. plss.
    plsss.. stop your sia sui activities.
    never seen such a fat cow person go 2 gym and still look so fat like the people in Walle. people like u always online and never move, customized shoe for wat. 2 show off. haiiiii. really Sia Sui la.”
    Are you … jealous? Well you have every reason to be. =)

  20. kenny, we’re right behind u.to hell those lamers. they’re juz jealous abt yr achievements and popularity.coz they cant be like you..so here’s a word of advise to all..if you can beat them, join them aight?lmao!and for those pathetic bugga, ure juz a sore loser in life and live a pathetic life.

  21. OMG, u hv a custom-made shoes with ur name, either you are rich or you are celebrity. I think you are both!!! But, the adidas shoes veryyyyyyyyyyyyy coooool…love it!

  22. Hi Kenny. I have a problem reading your blog because the website can’t downloaded fully all the pictures. I have to refresh for so many time yet it doesnt work. Please advice, thank you.

  23. hi kenny sia,
    im really wondering why all those hater like to bash you so much.. if they really hate u so much why the fuck bother to read your blog at 1st place.. people this day really got nothing better else to do..
    I enjoy reading your blog, frankly speaking, im envy of you being so successful.. but im looking u as my inspiration.. and not hating you for being so successful..
    So all the haters/basher, go find something else better to do, maybe start a blog telling ppl how u hate kenny sia, and that you will be more successful then him, if not…

  24. Wahlao eh!!! I use that shoe for tennis coaching…….. You use it for style. An Chua Cho aneh????? I think i should custom also hahahaha Anyway its a nice show and it protect your knee the most cause tennis games has a lot of short sprint and sudden stop. You’ll love it if you try its hardcore.

  25. actually i dunno those haters’ thinking of?
    write those comment either don’t benefit to them or to others? it just annoying to me as a visitor to this blog…
    somemore those ppl really cant prove a good reason to hate kenny… always give those freaking reason only????
    they such waste their life on doing this…i dont think the visitors of kennysia.com like me will leave this blog bcoz of your comment…
    mayb they just want to affect kenny’s mood with no purpose… these evil people… should go to hell

  26. Whooaa!! Nice kicks Kenny! Gotta love the customized idea.
    By the way, the “eh” notion, pretty much stands for “lah” in Canadian sense.
    So you often hear those Canadian speaks like “Nice eh?”. Only Canadian do that. I just thought you might know. Eh?

  27. In your previous entry, you titled “Depression” and in the contents, you wrote “Should’ve died in the accident”.
    If all these were due to the recent hoo-hahs on your lovelife, and because of that, you feels like dying, I think by then when you see your dad in the other world, he will/should give you a really tight slap on your face.
    Giving up your life just because of this matter.
    When people knock you down, you dont lie down there.

  28. I love the design and colors you choose! Price is a little steep, but it is customized so definitely worth it! Congrats!

  29. for all those that is bashing kenny… i have one thing to say to you… you bunch of ignoramus,no gonuts, donkey’ing slurpee shits.
    hahahaha, i find it hilarious to bash you (those that bashes kenny sia, i think you are one and the same though).
    maybe kenny sia could pile up all those hate comments and laugh at them after this because those that wrote those stuff is either
    a. too dumb to realize they’re dumb
    b. too much time to waste (no wonder they are jealous of kenny sia getting those adidas shoes, cause they can’t owe one)
    c. never had any enjoyable moments
    d. too ignorant of the fact that they are dumb
    well.. that was fun …. hahaha

  30. :p I agree with u hahaha, those basher really have no mirror in their house, i feel pity for them
    oh ya, kenny, u rocks! ur blog really freakingly funny and enjoyable! Keep it up,

  31. OMG, that’s so cool! Do you know of any customized high heels and work shoes? which takes into consideration comfort and design just like Adidas? 😀

  32. For those Kenny bashers, just get lost, you’re not welcome here. If you don’t like him, why the hell are you even reading his blog?? You are giving him hits which boost his blog’s popularity, you know?? Why help him if you don’t like him.
    Anyway, I love the idea of customising your own adidas shoes, I wish they have it in Singapore too. (Do they?)

  33. I love Adidas shoe as well… They are pretty durable and still looks modern after few years… I have one Adidas shoe called “Martial Arts”… Been using this shoe since 2002 till now… Thumbs up for Adidas!!!~

  34. ooooh!!! im getting myself one!!!!
    when i finish my spm, graduate from high school, finish college, then my university, get a job, find a husband, have some kids, spend all my money on them, after they get married, then i use my savings on myself 😀
    if the earth is still turning,that is…

  35. to kevin,
    just right click the half loaded pics/pics havent loaded n pick on ‘show pics’ u’ll get them all.
    anyway i hv a bf who name kevin too.lol
    kenny,keep up the good work.u’re doing good 😉

  36. I totally agree with this post as I myself have been an avid fan of adidas. I only buy my exercise shoes from the custom made section, they are so durable and they protect your feet (very important).

  37. Wow i like ur AdiZero CS more actually XD ! anyway your taste are pretty like mine ! haha rock on kenny . nice shoes u have there :] . And cheer up because you & i know that you are way more successful than those lifeless bitches bashing you .
    To all those flaming & bashing kenny . whatever u want to call it . Just get on living ur poor ass life earning ur 1.2k per month k . Dont be jealous of Rich Uncle Kenny . Fuck Off :]

  38. Hi SW, you can customised in Singapore too. If you sign up for the marathon, you can get 30% off.
    Kenny, see ya on 7/12!

  39. awesome man. i remember adidas allowed customers to customized their shoes using special marker pens on white adidas shoes.
    I think tht was awesome cause i saw some really good graffiti work done on those shoes.
    Nevertheless kenny, everyone has their ups and downs.
    When we fall down, we stand up again to learn why we fall.
    And to the person impersonating as kenny, Im sorry to say you’re a pretty lifeless wanker with little respect for kenny sia.
    If u hate him so much, why read his blog? Even worse, why bother writing a comment? It clearly shows ur immaturity.

  40. Wow, cool shoes! Well, that shoe joke was’nt… completelet lame.
    P.S. Jeez, I just hate bashers. They ruin the fun and embarass themselves. Bashing is just so rude.

    i wear bata so what? expensive doesn’t mean everything, you materialistic bitch. i’m guessing you’re a guy behind the screen trying to be a bitch. feel sorry for your family. wasting that money to grow up this fucking no life cunt. use your dick to pleasure them girls, don’t cut it off. could have ask your mom how i pleased her better than your dad did. oh! maybe that’s the reason why they got you. sigh. sad world.
    i’m talking to him, giving comment (that’s what this comments are made for you dumb fuck), you don’t fucking interrupt bitch. now go fuck yourself with a dildo. can’t afford, use a fucking finger bitch. ask your mom to call me if she still needs it.

  42. a lot of bootlickers, those who worte “bashing bashing and bashing” (kiss my royal nuts cunts).. well not to all of you. no hating to those who like his blog. thing is this is a fucking comment box, if you guys want to see just NICE comment, fucking write your own or go suck your dad’s dick. what a bunch of mofo. to those who didn’t give a fuck, thanks you for being ignorant. no hating. people write whatever they want comment however they like.

  43. haiyo. just shut up la everyone. why bother even replying those bad comments? beh sien wan meh.. i mean its good that you stick up for kenny. but no point replying those shitty comments.
    so just stop it. or this blog might as well be a “love or hate kenny” forum.

  44. Errr….the custom made health sandals at foot solution will cost you RM1300, the in sole alone will cost you RM600. So this Mi adidas is consider cheap laa..

  45. But I dont think I want to buy expensive sport shoes, maybe I will buy sports convertible cars. Maybe I will go for vacations… Maybe I will fly kites. Err.. Maybe then I will buy shoes. But I might buy watches first.

  46. Can drive fast fast, but must wear sport shoes. When run out of gas can run fast fast to get petrol…

  47. Wa, I think Kenny beta put some breathmints in the comment boxes lar. Some people “chui cin chao”.
    On the other hand, shoe looks cool. But if wan more “kay si”, should do an all-gold pair of shoes ma. Then the other runners see oso scared ah. Lol.

  48. I’m taking part in Singapore marathon! I can get 30% off at Suntec for customizing mi-Adidas? That’s great to know!!! THANKS A LOT! 🙂

  49. WOW…cool, now adidas also into customisation business.
    I have a customised pair of nike too! Hot pink and grey with my name on it. Its 4 years old now though and collecting dust on the shoe rack at home. *sigh*
    Though my mum commented why put your name on something that you will step on. Its like stepping on your own name. >_

  50. *sigh* It makes me sad that people argue with each other in the comment box. I mean, it’s not even a comment if you don’t comment on the post so why post it in the comment post?
    Why not just directly email Kenny? Only one reason as to why these people are doing is to rile up the kenny fans. >_

  51. Btw, the shoes are uber cool! XD
    If you paid for them yourself, ppl then accuse you of showing off, being too rich, yada yada.
    If you go sponsored for them, ppl then accuse you of being a sellout, advertising, coporate whore, yada yada.
    Either way, die die also. Rofl!

  52. I lol’ed at the comments.
    On topic:
    Looks cool, though I would prefer Nike myself. :O Didn’t even know Nike had the same customization thingies until someone here mentioned it. =(
    I should get one.

  53. wah. nice. i wanna have pair of personalize ‘eh’ too! good that they come out this idea..
    but kenny, this post got thick advertorial smell lah…

  54. we’ll we;re not docile audiences. we’re active. we say what we think. we react. we critic. to all of u who dont wanna read it, dont. dont waste your time. we enjoy saying shit abt kenny but u dont have to read it. let us talk shit abt him and dont mind us. lets have some freedom of speech!

  55. Kenny, I saw you jog passed Chawan Road @ around 7.30 p.m.just now… just wondering whether you were wearing your custom made Adidas sports shoes?

  56. You fucking people cannot read?!??!?
    The shoes are priced at RM600 and you need to pay RM200 on top for the customization. So, it’s fucking RM800 for that fucking pair of shoes.
    Kenny, RM800 of cash can be used in a lot better ways, but…. well, sure it never generate as much traffic to Kennysia.com la.
    Oh, that is not an advertorial post. Thanks for the reminder.

  57. “Getting your own custom-made shoes cost around RM600, depending on the design. That works out to be about RM200 dearer than those mass-produced shoes.” – Kenny Sia
    “The shoes are priced at RM600 and you need to pay RM200 on top for the customization. So, it’s fucking RM800 for that fucking pair of shoes.” – Et.

  58. rm600 can already buy two pairs of normal adidas shoes..
    or you can get a pair of adidas that includes carbon fibre to the sole. But it’s basketball shoes as i remembered..

  59. Wah, so nice. customized shoes…now if you can do something about that ride of yours…Hyundai?!?!?!?!?! Get yerself new nissan GTR…you’ll never have problems on the slick roads. As for the playa haters out there. Entire SG deals with playa-hating m’sia dick weeds all the time but we keep rollin’! Learn from SG, Kenny. Keep rolling my nigga.

  60. Wow…I never thought that Malaysia will have something like that. It’s cool!! Seems like the colour and style you chose perfectly match you 😉
    Though it’s too expensive for me….

  61. It cost so much more buying in Singapore loh. 🙁 But I really like the thing that can check out how we run and if we need to add stablizer, extra cushioning, or use lighter “base?” or not and stuffs. I was going to blog about mine. you beat me to it. 🙁

  62. hahahahahahaha the last two lines are dead funny:
    “(Hahaha! Geddit? “Eh” in Hokkien means shoes. Nice “eh”! Hahahaha!)
    (Ok fine, it’s not very funny.)”
    nice pair of shoes btw. gotta love the color combination 🙂 but me no money, so i’ll stick to uncustomized nike shoes

  63. the pink shoes are very cute lah… haha… but the mi-adidas shoes are quite expensive lo… i dont think it’s really that worth it…

  64. “”” Anyway, I was told my feet are pretty big for a Chinese. And you know what they say about men with big feet? 😉 “””
    Shahaha…. stfu. u got small dick.

  65. Nice!
    Just make sure you file a police report right away if they get stolen.
    Otherwise, you’re in big trouble if the next day’s headlines would be “Rapist Left Behind a Shoe” 😉

  66. seriously rm600 for a custom made shoes is not really expensive. a normal adidas would cost you between 300 to 400. so add another 200 u get ur one of a kind shoes. i say go for it if you have that chance.

  67. to whom it may concern:
    you must be really utterly desperately hating yourself and can do nothing about how awful you feel other than projecting all your bitterness and hatred on somebody as successful and famous like kenny sia. suck it up, losers!

  68. Dude, I love your blog and I love Adidas stuff even more dude! WOW! I never knew you could do that, WOW WOW WOW! I live in Kuching so well, I don’t get to do that here. BTW, it takes for weeks and you need to go and collect the shoes and is it possible for them to send it to your address instead? And you mean some sport manufactures have offered you deals on their shoes?! =) Nice entry!

  69. hey i got adizero too! get it fr sg, didnt saw it in kl b4..is urs orange?! i dun see that! i only saw yellow n pink…i got the pink one hehe
    but its really good for running, light n durable..will sure help u a lot in the marathon! good luck!

  70. Nike Town in London do personalised Nike for 80 pounds.. which is cheaper than Adidas… I’ll be posting up a post on it in couple of days so check it out..

  71. Since you love Adidas, maybe you will love my blog about this brand. But since I am French, my blog is in french…
    Your pictures in this article are very nice.
    See you !

  72. Nice, for a customised pair of shoes it’s worth it for sure! I have troubles finding a pair of shoes that are the right shape for my feet, not to mention you have to buy 1 size for both feet…
    The best thing is you can get them in Singapore too (2 locations).

  73. it is for real.
    how much do i need to pay for adidas +f50 adizero soccer boot?
    i really want to make one.
    it is in KL
    Pavillion ritee?

  74. Сегодня, в эпоху, когда люди живут как белки в колесе и мечтают только о покое и мягком диване, им не до гостей

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