How People ‘Eat A Chip like Kenny Sia’

I am constantly amazed by the creativity of readers.

A few months ago, I found myself eating potato chips, soaking in toilet waste-infused river water, filming for a TV commercial that was to be on broadcasted on television screens across Malaysia. It was the first time ever a company has engaged a Malaysian blogger to appear in their TV ad, and I am super honoured to be part of that.
Now, as cliche as it may sound, is nothing without the readers.
Which is why to celebrate my 3 seconds of fame on TV, I pitched an idea to Mister Potato for a very special online contest to reward you, my readers.

Three weeks ago, I put the call out to my readers to take part in the ‘Eat A Chip Like Kenny Sia’ contest. The grand prize was:
(1) A holiday for two to Bangkok
(2) Me as your personal tour guide
(3) A generous amount of shopping money
(4) An everlasting friendship with Kenny Sia
Yes, this is a contest like no other, because this one has my friendship on the booty as the big prize.
To take part in the contest, all that needs to be done is to take a photo of yourself imitating my part in the TV ad.

The contest has ended and the response was jaw-droppingly overwhelming.
I was expecting just a simple “jump and bite” picture.
Something like this.

Instead, what I got in my inbox was utter shock and horror. 😉 The extent that people go to abuse someone just to win themselves a free trip to Bangkok is just ridiculous.
First there was Rachel Liew’s sister abuse.

Save petrol, use Mister Potato

Then there was Tee Kean Lam‘s baby abuse.

Jesselyn Lam brought out her tortoise to her backyard to abuse.

Her tortoise bears an uncanny resemblance to Kenny

Loh Chan Wai carved out a potato, stick some eyes onto it and abuse.

And JC Veaghen took out her Spongebob plush toy to abuse.

Then there were many good ones who took the slightly more “unconventional” approach.
Susan Low‘s baby girl is too cute not to post up.

Fiona Lim thought Mister Potato was a Mexican singer and dressed up as one

Pirated version of Mister Potato

Douglas Lim got caught with his “Kenny Sia” expression when he violated the fundamental rule of cleanliness in his science laboratory.

Joshua Chng gave his boy Mister Potato chips as motivation to do sit-ups.

Rachel Beh made good use of her double-taping skills to create this Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Kung Fu chip moment.

Then there’s one who thought all I wanted was a hot chick as my travel companion.
Instead of sending me a photo of her eating Mister Potato, she sent me a photo of herself posing like this.

Trust me, I was very tempted to just put her through as the winner.
There were many very good entries, and I had a difficult time short-listing those few for the sponsor.

Tong Ching Yee’s “Spud Lovers”

I’m sure the head honchos at Mister Potato knew the stakes was high. They probably sat down in one of their top level board meetings (along with their Mexican-looking moustached mascot), examining every single photo, until they eventually chose one person as the winner.
Any the winner is…

Joshua Chng with his Mister Potato motivational sit up photo!
Congratulations! Joshua will now get to bring a friend to travel with me on an all-expense paid trip to Bangkok, Thailand!
For all the short-listed entries of the ‘Eat A Chip Like Kenny Sia’ contest, go to the Mister Potato website and click on Mister Potato Goodies

WY Leong’s Pac Chip

As much as I appreciate the contribution of all readers, unfortunately there is room for only one winner.
There were many who went through extreme lengths taking part in this contest but didn’t managed get anything.
Like Yee Bing, who decided to eat the chip from…

…somebody’s feet.
Sorry you didn’t win.

free web hit

I have almost completely given away all 44 of my match tickets to watch Chelsea FC vs Malaysia. Winners will be contacted soon. But if you missed out, don’t fret. There are still many other bloggers giving tickets away if you ask them really nicely and say “please.”
Or in Cheesie‘s case, say “cheese!”

85 Replies to “How People ‘Eat A Chip like Kenny Sia’”

  1. Wow.. the winner quite unimpressive compared to the kungfu one. She has a better picture and it’s creative. Well, I guess the organisers decided to give to the Sit-up guy cause the background looks too much like a dump to be a house. Oh well, for CHARITY.

  2. The hell man? The mexican wannabe deserved to win! Don’t just give up the prize to something you can relate to or aspire to(which I assume is to get fit by doing situps?)

  3. wasai! my baby abuse doesn’t win???
    mine is originally without photoshop, i’m glad the winner is base on creativity on capturing photo, not using photoshop.
    congrats to joshua, and weldone kenny.
    Tee Kean Lam.

  4. yea. like the winning entry pict. glad that you did not choose any pretty girls as the winners. hahahaha!

  5. eh come to think of it, the winner’s kid bears a striking resemblance to u. Izzat why he won? BTW cannot find the webpage leh..

  6. My tortoise oso cute, what!! hahaha!!
    Anyway, congrats to Joshua too! =)
    and Mr.Kenny, you got my surname wrong!! It’s Jesselyn Lim, not Lam!! =P

  7. I was desperately hoping to win it so I can bring my sister along to Bangkok. *sigh* Tough luck! p/s : Uhm Kenny, can remove my photo ah? Shy lah.

  8. kenny, what about mine?
    mine was great also what.
    forced my dad to do such silly act just for the chance to shop in Chatuchak?

  9. Awww…. (1) A holiday for two to Bangkok
    (2) Me as your personal tour guide
    (3) A generous amount of shopping money
    (4) An everlasting friendship with Kenny Sia… I WANT!
    I always thought I’ve got the best one but I was too busy, I completely forgotten about it… sigh~

  10. oh that sucks, the one with the most effort didnt win but some cramped face kid did. tough luck.
    i love the crouching tiger one. and fake mr potato. more creative and got effort.

  11. Yea! I thought the crouching tiger one was cool too! Shud have juz asked my bro to do push ups while i feed him instead of risking my finger by feeding my carnivorous

  12. Joshuo wins for a reason. That is, there’s no photoshop editing what so ever involved! Not even any make up or special attire…
    Well done, Kenny, this is one good post. 🙂

  13. lolS>..the kid was cute…and using the chips as sit up bait is pretty neat idea…^^ congrats to the lil kid..~~~~ he gets to go to bangkok to bang some cock!!! WHOOHOOO!!!!

  14. Eh ! can put up a place and post up all the pics posted to let us all see..
    i’m sure everyone wants to see everybody’s creative idea.

  15. really tough luck. plain idea gets to win but not those who were so much more creative.
    Besides, isnt it a silly idea to want to get fit (by doing sit-ups) AND YET EATING FATTENING UNHEALTHY CHIPS????

  16. the reason why Josh won was because it was a good idea for their next TV advert
    so they sponsor him to go Bangkok while they work on their next Mr potato advert which was what Josh was doing , pretty creative I must say 😉

  17. swt….wats so special abt the winner’s pic…like dad aso can win….
    mister potato should offer some consolation prizes…or prizes for those who r creative….

  18. wow Kenny…u sure did tap into the creative side of people!
    great job for all the pix submission! Maybe Kenny can be more generous next time and extend the winners to maybe 5, 20 or a plane-load of winners.. =)

  19. it really shows how interesting and exciting the entries of malaysians are. we’re a creative bunch no doubt… congrats joshua. now you get to eat more chips with kenny

  20. wat the shit is wrong wif you??? oh i bet u r one chicken wif no name n ass… no wonder u call urselves “im a chicken with no name”… give urselves a break loser… shithead…

  21. look.. f.y.i to hueva who gt ntg to do than talking shit bout me… it wasnt on purpose to send my pic ok… i didnt know its imitating eating chips… belive or not is ur choice.. just stop talking crap… lifeless people…

  22. btw, the comment before tis comment is not from im a chicken wif no name bla bla.. sumhw comp / internet prob.. it uses tat name… but hell im not him/her.. tat chicken head…

  23. Kelong!!!!!
    I seriously think that there are more pics better than the winner that are better in terms of originality and creativity!

  24. hey.. you’re a little harsh on the last one, all she wanted was to win eh.. everyone’s so creative and has put in much efforts, so everyone in my opinion is a winner =)

  25. P.S – it’s not a’s a tortoise XP
    My tortoise oso no photoshop wud….as original as the sit ups.. =P
    i so agree tat there shud be consolation prizes as many wasted creativity

  26. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . The “Hot Chick” is my school girl . She is Jane . I wonder why she sent her photo . LOL . XD . HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA .

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