Things To Do In Tasmania If You Don’t Value Life

My initial impression of Tasmania was that it’s a nice, quiet and peaceful place.

Looks can be deceiving.

The whole of Tasmania is like one big natural Disneyland. Everywhere we went, there were people who are willing to take your money – and give you heart-attack for change.

One example was the Tasman Island Cruise we took.

At first, when we saw their booth at Salamanca Market in Hobart, I thought “Cool! All we’re gotaa do was hop on a boat and see some seals!”

Tasmania is the southern-most state of Australia, so absolutely nothing exists further south from land. Except Antarctica.

And furry seals.

Lots and lots of big, furry, cute, sun-bathing seals.

It wasn’t until we arrived at the dock in Port Arthur, that we realised our “Tasman Island Cruise” was actually more of a speedboat ride than a cruise ship.

The good thing was – their team was very well-prepared. Unlike us.

Despite the sun shining brightly on our happy faces, we were warned that it’s gonna be cold on the cruise. Like, really, really, REALLY COLD.

Even before we ventured out into the seas,we were offered seasick pills, warm clothes and wet-weather gear.

In the process, they made Cheesie look like a mushroom.

The first half of the cruise was easy.

We cruised along the shoreline into the Indian Ocean, admiring the pretty ocean views and breathtaking sea cliffs. It was simply chillaxing.

Even the wildlife here were just chilling out.

We spotted several dolphins, sea lions and some BIG ASS tuna fish (not their scientific name) leaping over water hunting for food.

But all good things must come to an end. 45 minutes out into the sea, the weather suddenly changed. Skies turned from blue to grey, and the Gods turned on the tap.

Along with that, the look on our faces transformed from smiles into ARGGHHHH.

It was pouring rain and we were absolutely freezing our butts off.

When we returned to the pier, one crazy guy saw swimming in the sea with no shirt on. Then we saw him crawling out out and muttered, “Hmmm… the water is cold.”


Port Arthur in Tasmania is a place of significance for many Australians. Many Australian’s ancestors came here from England as convicts, before being released into the free world.

There’s a very well-preserved Port Arthur convict colony here worth visiting. Tourism Australia booked us into a hotel here.

(Not really.)

And since we’re in Tasmania, we also dropped by the Tasmanian Devil conservation park.

Here, we saw some Tasmanian devils.


Then we saw a kangaroo giving us the puppy eyes.


Then we saw a baby kangaroo sharing his food with a goose.


*heart melts*

Then we saw a big ass kangaroo hopping towards us for food.


… Errr. Yes.

As if all that boat-riding earlier in the day wasn’t enough, the next morning we went looking for more action.

The Huon River is one of the most quiet, serene and peaceful rivers in Tasmania.

But all that changed thanks to this man.


He invited us onto his jet boat, and drove down the river so fast that our hearts came out of our mouths and sank to the bottom of the river.

So now we are officially heartless.

As if that wasn’t enough to give us a cardiac arrest (oh wait, we have no heart), our next destination is the Eagle Hang Gliding adventure at the Tahune Airwalk.

This is hang-gliding made easy. Instead of jumping off a cliff on my own, we were hoisted by a cable up to the treetop, before gliding back onto the ground.

It was very safe, but very FUN.

The icing on the cake was that the owner of the Eagle Hang Glide has a bloody cute pug. If you do visit the place, please say hi to this dog.

Poor pug. I suppose that’s the face you’re gonna have if everyday all you see are tourists on a hang-glider screaming their lungs out.

Anyway, after all that screaming and shouting, there’s nothing Cheesie and I look forward to more than heading back to the hotel in Hobart at night, light some aroma candles, put on some sexy music, and immersing our bodies into a hot bubble bath.

Unfortunately Cheesie and I are platonic friends, so we had to do our bubble baths separately. 🙁

According to what I learnt in uni, the formula Hot Chick + Bubble Bath = Hits is always right. How I wish I could end this post with a picture of Cheesie doing her bubble bath.

But since that is not possible, this is your replacement.




I love bubble baths <3.

38 Replies to “Things To Do In Tasmania If You Don’t Value Life”

  1. Its fantastic that you are able to experience all these things and still keep us up to date on them 🙂 Looks like Australia is doing you a world of good!

  2. kenny did u photoshop your face on those pics?! WHy so smooth and fair?! unfair! haha.. btw, i am reading ur blog even when i am holidaying in Taiwan right now wtf!

  3. The Tasmanian devil seems so cuteeee but it’s a devil.
    Would like to take this chance to raise awareness about facial tumour disease in Tasmanian devils. This is a cancer predominantly grown on the face. This cancer is infectious, can be transmitted by biting.
    Research is currently underway to treat this disease among the ‘devil population so please support the effort!

  4. so have u tapped that sweet piece of ass yet u gay prick????
    dont tell me u did not fucked her while you were alone with her?????

  5. How come the Tasmanian Devil looks like you huh…:p
    I’ve never thought that Tasmania has lots of things for tourist to do.
    Thanks Kenny for sharing it!

  6. bahahaha, nabeh, i see you in the bath tub i choked on my sour cola candy. HAHAHAHAHA act cute nia 🙂
    p.s gratz on your level up gym btw. I never got around to congratulating you on that, me being the occassional commentator that I am 🙂

  7. Hahah, good one post, great funny ending (referring to ur bubble bath picture) that made me laugh on a Monday morning
    My Tassie trip was all shared bathrooms backpackers style and we missed out Brunny Islands cruise due to bad planning

  8. Seriously I’ve never been to Tasmania. But after reading this post really make me want to hit down to Tasmania for an adventure 😉

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