Its nice to get an e-mail from Karen Cheng out of the blue today.
Karen is an artist and young mother from Perth. She’s an avid blogger and her blog chronicles her daily life, especially her two little boys. Do check out her blog if you like to read about cute babies and stuff. Her site was nominated for the 2005 Bloggie Awards as the Best Designed Blog and its not difficult to see why.
If only Blogskin designers are willing to learn a thing or two from her, wars would end, birds would sing, George Bush would step down from presidency, and the world would be a much better place.
Karen worked in Singapore as an expat sometime before. I guess that’s why she follows the Singaporean blogosphere and that’s how she found out about my blog. What she didn’t know is that she’s friends with my sister from their Uni days. I knew about Karen Cheng because once my sis showed me Karen’s site, telling me she wanted a website like that for her two kids as well. She didn’t know I have a blog back then.
So one day, my sis was surfing Karen’s site for inspiration, clicking the links she had on her side bar when she encountered this post on Mr Miyagi’s site.
Sis: “Eh? What’s my brother doing in there?”
Talk about the worst possible way for a family member to find out your blog.